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Old 10-20-2006, 10:45 AM
gordon baxter gordon baxter is offline
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Need some help on what i got to do to get some pictures on
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Old 10-21-2006, 07:51 AM
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gspsonny03 gspsonny03 is offline
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Gordon, I'm surprised that no one has answered your post. We have some pretty good experts on here concerning this. I don't happen to be one of them, but I'll try to help you out.

First I set my pictures up in a seperate file on my computer, then I go through and down size my pictures so that they are about 700 x700 pixels. When you get through with what ever you have to say you go down to the bottom of your post screen and click on the browse button and it should bring up your computer files. Find the file or folder that you have your pictures in. Click on the picture you want and as long as it isn't to big it should bring it into your post. I then hit submit reply and go out and it shows up. Jabba or Fabs either one can get you more info than I but that's how I do it. Hope this helps.
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Old 10-25-2006, 11:42 AM
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grayghost grayghost is offline
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Hi Gordon: Sorry for the slow reply, I was on vacation down in stormy, rough seas Florida. I'm no pro either but I but if you post in Anything Goes, you'll get some fast replies. I have my pics save in My Documents. Once I make a new post, I scroll down and click on the Attach File "Browse" button. This opens a window and I open My Documents. I browse through the saved pics and click on the one I want to post. This enters your choice into the Attach File window. If your pic is too big, you'll have to go into something on your personal computer such as Adobe Photo Shop to reduce the pic size, like gspsonny03 posted. If you need more help, post in the Anything Goes forum. If I can help you further, just email me. Good hunting, grayghost
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