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Old 10-11-2007, 07:43 AM
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Despite how hot it was on Saturday, I went out with the crossbow. Does, does and more does...good lordy they were everywhere and all day long. I reckon because of the drought, they are really stockin up on what few acorns had fell from the oaks, and I was right smack dab in the middle of a hill that happened to be full of em.

I hunted from the ground in a fell over tree. Shootin lanes were few but I took that hit vs the deer traffic. I feared I would get pinned down however and it proved true that evenin. 2 big does came in...the biggest turned facin me, the other faced away about a 10:00 pose...perfect shot. Knowin that I had about 15 mins fore my shootin light ended I took the shot.

Here comes the funny part....I knew I hit doubt. BUT...I hit her with a typical woman thing....I got on a spendin spree 2 weeks ago and bought a new broadhead...they're called crimson somethin er rether...(fergot) but they have spiral shaped blades on em.

So, right fore it got to dark to see, I got up (without my bow) and walked over to where I shot the deer. I kept hearin deer's them dam squirrels. No it aint either...and right when I found the first spatter of blood, I could hear the deer comin. They were walkin in a gully right up the hill to where i i scooted back to the bow as quick as i could. Then I heard the awfullest burpin/belchin kinda sound. I just knew it was the deer I had sounded kiddin.

So, thinkin it was just the deer i had hit in death throws I put the bow back down. Out comes (slowly) a doe...dern...she aint look hurt...then from behind...out comes you know who.

In truth, it was too dark to shoot anyway so in disgust I went home. I was up all night. What if I didnt make a good shot? That deer didnt look hurt..dam bucks too...

Next mornin at light I headed back out. Jumped 4 deer.
I found the bloodtrail, I knew I had to hurry, it was gittin hot.
I kid you not...that doe didnt go 30 yrds fore she fell.
That broadhead blew a hole in her side bigger than the exit of a 50 cal loader bullet. Not a clean slice at looked more like a screw went through her...a giant screw lol. The blood trail was pourin too. Never seen a broad head do that fore...and she was expelled quick to boot.

Which meant...that the other doe was not what made that god awful sound? The buck? Never heared a deer sound like that fore...I wonder what they were

I wanted to go out tomorrow but that depends on wether I have a babysitter er not. If not, I'll go out again Saturday.
I got fresh meat in the freezer and some deer jerky to boot.

Now...I need horns to supplement my diet lol
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Old 10-11-2007, 08:21 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Good for you kiddo. Glad ya finally got a little meat. Now that young'un will be able to grow a bit more. How many can ya get? I know y'all got plenty of deer around ya. Now you can shoot a buck.

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Old 10-11-2007, 09:22 AM
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Waidmannsheil LilRed, steak and eggs for breakfast!! I guess I'd have to say that sound you heard musta been bigfoot, I hear he's runnin' around your neck of the woods!! Dom.
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Old 10-11-2007, 11:19 AM
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LOL @ Bigfoot....ya never know!

Skeet, we git 6 either sex deer tags...and bonus permits again this year. Bonus permits give ya 2 more either sex tags & there is no limit on em.
I know shootin a doe aint glorious...but glory dont fill no freezer ...and I doubt I'll shoot 7 bucks ....although...I can dream
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 10-11-2007, 11:54 AM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Way to go little lady. The bucks aren't in rut yet are they? it'll be at least 2 or 3 weeks fore that happens here.

Maybe the deer were making those strange noises because they were over-fed. A few deer all in the same place can create a lot of noise.

I been out scouting a few times and they are not close to being in heat yet. haven't smelled anything. Bucks and does are still separated in packs. It's finally dipped down into the 30's here so it won't be long.

As far as horns are concerned, I've never found a good recipe for them. I'm a meat hunter.

Good luck on the rest of the season. Maybe some monster will pop up.

Best wishes, Bill
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Old 10-11-2007, 01:11 PM
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Congrats on the cross bow harvest...

There is nothing wrong with shooting does, I took 2 anterless mulies this past saturday my self, and a bud took one. It puts the meat in the freezer, and I can wait for Mr. Big now!
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:34 PM
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TY Toxic & everybody... they're not in rut here either. Still got 3 more weeks or so to go for that.
The last time I heard a sound anywhere similar to what I heard...was the time I shot a buck runnin full bore across a loggin trail. He made it to the creek below the trail and crashed. When I walked down, (I thought he was dead) he got back up and he sounded like he was underwater. In truth, he was lungshot bad and was basically drownin...he tried to climb up that steep hill...but couldnt do it and he fell over dead.
That's why I thought it was the doe i shot. No babysitter fer tomorrow, so I reckon it's saturday again.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 10-11-2007, 07:40 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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Congratulations, Red!
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Old 10-11-2007, 11:09 PM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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Nice shooting lilred! Sounds like backstraps will be cooking shortly! Can't say what the noise was if it wasn't the one you'd already whacked making a last gasp. Sounds like your new broadheads did well too!

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Old 10-13-2007, 03:49 AM
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Way to go Lilred. Shoot a couple for me.
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Old 10-24-2007, 01:06 PM
kt kt is offline
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nice job, i dont know if it is what you had or not but those spiral crimson talon broadheads make a broad head specifically for crossbows and the high speed they have. those things arent cheap however 3 friends i have shoot them, you are right it looks like some one sent an apple corer through the deer. only seen one come apart but that deer was hit through both shoulders and went all of 3 feet. shame they are over 10 dollars a broadhead here.
there aint much worse than going to bed not knowing where your deer is, in hind sight i can tell you it is better than pushing a deer through the night
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