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Old 12-07-2007, 11:29 AM
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Need an answer about the 16Ga.

I read some of the rules listed by the NSSA about Skeet and shotguns allowed.

In one part it says that 12Ga., 20Ga., 28Ga. and .410 are allowed and even lists the shot loads and sizes.

Further down in the rules it says that no Gauge larger than 12Ga. is allow but that any Gauge 12Ga. and smaller is leagle as long as the Shot Shells meet the requirements listed.

It dose not state anywhere that I could find that a 16Ga. was allowed but it also didn't say that a 16Ga. was not allowed. If I'm reading it right, the 16Ga. could be used but only in the 12Ga. class.

Before anyone tells me that a 12Ga. has an advantage over the 16Ga., thanks but I'm already aware of that, but all I have at this time is the 16Ga.

By saying that any Gauge 12 and smaller is leagle, I take that to mean that any of the other gauges may be used in the 12Ga. class, which includes the 16Ga.

Am I Correct in this.
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Old 12-07-2007, 12:19 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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I'm sure the 16 gauge is legal.
I think there just isn't a separate class for the 16, since it isn't that common these days. So, you'd be shooting against 12 gauge shooters in a competition- as you have said.
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Old 12-07-2007, 05:27 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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16 ga assumption

You be assumin right. You can use the 16 in the 12 ga events in skeet. 12 ga used to be called all bore cause you can use any in that event. I commonly use the 20 ga in the 12 ga event and I am not alone. There were lots of 16 ga M-12s made to shoot skeet. I even had a 5 gun skeet set made by the factory for an old skeet shooter. 12..16--20--28 ga and a M-42 410. The 16 ga commonly shot an ounce of shot in skeet loads while the 12 shot and ounce and an eighth. I have a lady friend who shoots skeet and all she shoots is the 28 ga and the 410. She shoots the 28 in all the other gauges and the 410 in the 410 events. She is very small and doesn't care for recoil. Now go shoot and have fun!

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Old 12-10-2007, 07:35 AM
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Thanks Guys

Thanks for the information.

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