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Old 01-09-2005, 11:31 AM
NEFP NEFP is offline
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Help! 22-250 Boar/Deer Load NEEDED!

I am leaving on a trip to Texas for a Boar/ Exotic Doe hunt in February. I am looking for someone who has a Proven recipe for a 22-250 round that will work for these at 100 yards or less... I have a Savage Striker with a 14" Barrel. Please let me know if you can help!!!
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:46 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Might be ok for small deer but get something bigger for Hogs..especially big'uns

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Old 01-09-2005, 11:56 AM
NEFP NEFP is offline
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Ok, So if I use something else for the Hoggs....... I still need an awesome load for the Deer.... Any suggestions?
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:02 PM
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If you must use a 22-250 for deer, go with nosler 60 grain partitions, or if the striker has enough twist, the 65 grain sierra`s, or 64 winchester power points. These work well for deer in .223, which should be close to the muzzle velocity of your pistol.
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:07 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I also would not try to stop a hog with a .22-250. I`ve killed alot of farm raised hogs with a .22 LR revolver at point blank range, but a wild hog with a bad hit can get real mad and do alot of damage. Get something alot bigger. As for deer I would recomand the Nosler partitions, I`ve never been able to get them to shoot well in any gun I`ve tried them in, but they will be good for a 100 yrd. shot. The 63 gn. Serria semi pointed would also be a good choice. You shoyuld be able to get loading data from a Serria manual, or from about any other loading manual. I want to be able to hold a 6 in. group at the max. range I`ll be shooting deer, so if your max. range is 100 yrds. you really won`t need much in the way of accuracy.
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Old 01-16-2005, 12:34 PM
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Old 01-17-2005, 07:39 AM
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I also do NOT recommend the 22-250 for deer or boar. It shines as a great varmint round, but is not geared for larger game. You don't always have that great option of shooting them in the head or neck, and one little move means a wounded animal that ain't going to leave much of a blood trail and will travel miles and days. Even to shoot them thru the boiler room with a .22 pill does not leave much of a hole. Course, there's a lot of difference between what one calls a pig -- the bigger they get the tougher they get. Also a big dif between ferals and the European or Russian wild boar.

No, there's a better purpose for the hot .22 cf's, and in my opinion it is not for game animals, Waidmannsheil, Dom.
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Old 03-13-2005, 07:18 PM
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no offense, but what you need is a bigger caliber rifle.
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Old 03-13-2005, 10:27 PM
NEFP NEFP is offline
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Well, Acually I have already gone on the trip I needed these special loads for. I shot 3 Big Mean Texas Boar between 210 and 250 with my 22-250 at 100 yards. I used a custom load with a 55 grain trophy bonded bear claw. All the shots where broadside and the biggest boar only took 3 steps and the others fell over in their tracks. One thing I have learned is SHOT PLACEMENT is the key to success!!!
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Old 03-14-2005, 01:12 AM
"yote" "yote" is offline
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22-250 on deer? Are people nuts!! Hell, I consider the 243 a
MARGINAL deer round. 22-250's might be fine for a texas fawn,
but if you try to use one on deer up here in MN they will lock you up! That's why the vast majority of states prohibit the use of
.22 cal on deer and other big game.

P.S. get a WAY bigger gun for those hogs!!!!!
NEFP, No offense but those are baby pigs. The area that we have
hunted in TN for the last few years, the boars have run 375-430#
We don't even waste our bullets on the little ones, We just let
the dogs( Airdales) kill them.

Last edited by "yote"; 03-14-2005 at 01:20 AM.
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:40 PM
Barlow Barlow is offline
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NEFP, you have found what I and many others have learned over the years. 22-250's and 220 Swifts with the right bullet, just plain work. The bullet you are using is a good one, I have tried the 50 gr and did not get good accuracy in my Swift, but have used various 50, 55, and 60 grain bulets for our deer in Wisc, and have had no problems. Been using them since 1976. There are actually quite a few guys in our area that use them. I would use them over a 243 any day.
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Old 01-09-2009, 11:42 AM
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What you folks from other states do not know is, what I have been told by a ton of Texas hunters and that is, that the most popular deer rifle in Texas is the 22-250.

We here in Florida get predition permits to kill deer that are destroying crops. A buddy has a permit to kill 90 deer in three peanut fields that run over 800 yards across, each. He uses a fast twist 223 with 80gr Sierras and has never shot a deer more than once and fills the permit every year. He has many one shot kills at 800+. He swears by the 223 and the 80gr HPBTMK. I use my fast twist 22-250 AI with the Hornady 75gr A-Max to hunt deer in big fields (over 450yards) all of the time. Never shot a deer more than once nor have I ever lost a deer.
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Old 01-09-2009, 01:56 PM
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Most popular deer rifle in Texas is not a 22-250. It is (In order)

22 lr (which is illegal it is still the most popular)
30-30 winchester
7mm Mag
222 Rem (no I didnt mistype thanks)
223 Rem
300 Rum
30 carbine
303 british
Then you get into a host of other calibers uncluding old cowboy guns. if you add shotguns the 12 guage is number three and 20 gauge is number nine.

At least according to the Texas parks and Wildlife officer (game warden) standing in my office right now. He's been with TPW for around 30 years so I take his word for it. (No I don't have a link his brain and experience dont have a web page)

And Texomaoutfitters you may be using a 22-250 on javelina or on oklahoma pigs, but in East Texas we have nothing but Feral hogs. It is not unusual to see a 400-600lb hog. You shoot him in the neck and you hit the cape, a piece of gristle that is a BEAR to penetrate with a 7mm rifle. Records in East Texas on Feral pigs go way above 800lbs. Ain't ABOUT to shoot at that with a 22, 22-250 or even a 30-30. I shoot at him it is going to be from a deer stand 80 feet up with a 45-70 405 grain lead, and I will pack a lunch and a sleeping bag.

A 683lb board charged my cousin about 15 years back out here. He shot the charging boar three times with a 7mm rifle. The boar dropped on the third shot. First shot entered his muzzle, and went out the side of the cheek. Second shot glanced off of his skull because of the angle. Third shot snapped his spine about halfway back. Yes he shot him a forth time in the vitals from behind and away afterwards. We weighed the pig on the scales at the Feed CooP in town. Makes one heck of a difference when they are charging you. Normally I would say he could make that shot with that rifle hands down any day of the week in one shot. But normally he would be in the stand waiting, not being charged on the ground.

Just sayin. For small deer you might get away with it. Don't mess with the piggies unless you like sleepin in trees for days on end.

As an FYI I carry a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 colt loaded with hot 300 grain lead bullets as a backup when hog hunting just in case. Something to think about.

(Moderator - Gear & Gadgets, Cowboy Action, SouthWest Regional, Small Game)

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Old 01-10-2009, 07:48 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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Years ago I killed quite a number of deer doing damage with a .225 Win. with 55 gr. factory loads. I had the advantage of picking my shots, never had to track one down. Aftet i retired shot one during deer season with a .223 with Win. 64 gr. factory load, deer dropped in it's tracks. Am not avocating.22 CFs for deer, but by choosing your shots they work.
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Old 01-12-2009, 08:20 PM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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one thing to remember - the deer you shoot at are probably better than twice the body weight of something that far south. My first real look around the southwest indicated that better than 90% of the population appeared to be undersized fawns (no joke). I sure would think really hard before using a .22 CF up north... JMHO

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