J.C. Higgins Model 20
I saw one today with a left hand safety for $99.00. My brother bought one used back in 1960 for $40.00. This one came home with me. Take care...
Joe |
Good deal. I was in a gun shop last year and saw a mint Model 20 in 12 gauge and got it for $80. All the best...
Gil |
I paid $35 for my 12 gauge M20 in 1960 and got the hunting vest, a box of shells and the cleaning kit. I understand Hi-Standard make those shotguns for Sears. Adam
Adam Helmer |
J.C. Higgins Model 20
One of the smoothest pump guns ever made. Most came with a Pachmayr Power Pac choke(something like a Cutts Compensator..little different.)Have had a few and really liked 'em. Made by High Standard. A friend back east here buys most every one he see's..specially if they have a vent rib and choke. I buy the extra chokes for him when I find 'em
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |