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Old 07-08-2010, 11:43 PM
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Gadwall Mojo

whats everyone think about the new Gadwall Mojo? looks nice to me and i really like the idea of the magnetic wings.
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Old 07-09-2010, 09:57 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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To be perfectly honest, I think it's just another means of getting a duck hunter parted from his money. A gadwall mojo? Why not a mallard with 'magnetic' wings?
FWIW, I think that the mojos aren't as effective (at least in the areas I hunt) as they used to be......I hunt a managed area and every group has 3-4 of the damn things out there spinning.....looks like a mini airport when you stand on your boat and look out over the area! I think that the "long range' shooters popping at 'em as they come in are educating the ducks that spinning wings mean DANGER! As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about selling the one mojo that I do own, as I didn't use it much last season, and when I did use it, it wasn't all that effective.
I do like the fact that this mojo uses AA batteries, however.....I look at my friends who have the mojos with the rechargeable batteries and laugh every time the mojo quits halfway through a hunt because the batteries are either old & won't hold a charge or didn't get charged enough the night before.
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Old 07-09-2010, 08:56 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Mr 16 is right..a duck hunter and his money are soon parted when the marketers get going.. Just like all them duck and goose calls. I do have some high end ones but for the most part they aren't any better than others. Only thing that makes 'em better is the guy blowin 'em works at doin it right..The guys that win the calling contests for the most part don't blow that way in the field anyway. At a contest they are impressing a judge..not a duck or goose.. Sometimes the spinners work..most times they don't. And I tried bout everything when I was guiding..

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Old 07-10-2010, 10:23 AM
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yeah i have the mojo mallard and i use it in the late season here in iowa on the mississippi and surrounding pot holes and i would have to say i would never hunt without it. i love it. it seems to really help. whether it educates the birds or not, i dont know. Im sure it does. but here everyone seems to use them so i know im not the only one.
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