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Old 11-30-2010, 11:43 PM
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Hevi-Metal: opinions

I bought 2 boxes of heavy metal and have used it for 3 hunts so far. Still have not formed an opinion on it yet, but am thinking about buying more of it.

Have any of you guys used it, and if so, what is your opinion?
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Old 03-08-2011, 08:32 PM
cobrican cobrican is offline
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I shot several boxes of it. It killed birds, but it sure isn't cheap. I am torn. I like to show up prepared, but I almost cried when I balanced the check book at the end of season. The cost of shells ate my lunch.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by cobrican View Post
I shot several boxes of it. It killed birds, but it sure isn't cheap. I am torn. I like to show up prepared, but I almost cried when I balanced the check book at the end of season. The cost of shells ate my lunch.
Yeah, well I am still using the 2 boxes that I bought and haven't really been that impressed with it for the added price. So, I spent a couple hundred on Hevi-Shot to use isntead of the Hevi-Metal. Actually, ended up going with Remington HD because it is supposed to be made with the authentic, "heavier than lead" Hevi-Shot versus the new BS from Eniron-Metal that is branded Hevi-Shot.

Essentially, I was wondering if you noticed a difference between Hevi-Metal, Remington Nitro steel, or something like Federal Blackcloud. Personally, I think the Federal Blackcloud is better than the Hevi-Metal. However, I didn't do enough hunting with the Hevi-Metal this year to completely conclude that it is. Might be able to get out there a lot more this year since I moved to a new house just 6 miles down the road from one of the farms I hunt.
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:17 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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I haven't used the newer "Hevi-metal", but I have used the older (pre enviromental) hevishot, Federals Tungsten Iron, and Tungsten matrix.
My take on these loads is this: They kill birds, but so do fast steel loads when used within their limitations. However, I do like using these loads on geese as opposed to steel as I don't need the bigger pellets and get a better pattern density with the smaller, denser if I am exclusively hunting geese, I will most likely be using one of the 'wonder pellets". I think from that aspect, you will get cleaner kills with the hevishot than steel, even at modest ranges.
But for general duck hunting, esp. if I have a good dog, I will continue to use my steel handloads. I kept records for a couple of seasons, and I found that my crippling rate wasn't any higher with steel than it was with other types of shot (mostly bismuth, but some of the hevishot and other types as well). I do try to keep at least a few shells on hand for special circumstances, such as that cripple that sails out on the water to the far end of shotgun range, but for me, I don't see a benefit when looking at a 'cost' factor. Don't overlook the fact that a lot of the pricer stuff goes on sale at the end of season as some retailers want to get rid of their inventory to make room for other stuff; I bought a box of Remington HD that was reduced for hunting turkeys this spring just a few weeks back.
Just MHO.........
I guess if you have the bucks, go for it, but if your like me, there are always other things that you can think of that you might want to spend the $$$ on, such as a new pup, outboard, boat, shotgun, more decoys, new waders, ect.
Just a note about Black Cloud: I've heard too many reports of barrels "blowing up" from people using Black Cloud; a lot of it may be internet BS, but I think that in some instances, there maybe some credibility to the why take a chance. I think others might feel the same way, as the local Gander had tons of the stuff that they had at a greatly reduced price at the end of the season.

Might be able to get out there a lot more this year since I moved to a new house just 6 miles down the road from one of the farms I hunt.
Congrats on the new home! Hope you do get the chance to get out a bit more.
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Old 03-09-2011, 11:17 PM
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Yeah, this isn't a townhouse. We are on 2 acres and I have plenty of storage in the house and can build shed after shed to my heart's content. So, I'll have my decoys and all my other hunting gear up here so I don't have to travel to my parents' place to get it before hunting. That was a PITA since they lived in the opposite direction of the farms I hunt. I actually had to go down there the night before and load up the decoys in the truck. Then, I had to unload all the decoys into my garage because the truck did not fit in the garage. Load everything back up in the morning and then head out hunting. What a PITA. I am looking forward to 6 months from now when dove season comes in.

FYI - I can always find something better to do with the money, like put it into savings. Just spent $5,000 on a zero turn mower for this place because I am not going to spend hours moving the grass after tax season. Next on the list is a John Deere 3000 series tractor and those things are pricey. So, there is always something else I can spend the money on. A farm comes to mind, but that is a whole heck of a lot of shells worth of money. LOL
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:10 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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I found that I really didn't use many of the high priced hevi-shot shells. It just killed. Steel was/is still only so so . Yep speed kills and they have new loads..but you can look at it any way you want but steel and hevisteel does not kill like lead and nowhere close to Hevi-shot or the Rem HD..Black Cloud is a gimmick. I must agree Tungsten Matrix works really well but I am not a fan of Kent ammo. Good grief guys..How many shells do you shoot..Most people would never even shoot half a case..Lets say even 500 bucks.. You spend more than that in gas going and coming and watching/scouting.

Now then..Fabs..what the heck do you need a tractor for?? ...on 2 acres..sheesh. I had 3 tractors in Md bnut I did have a couple hundred acres..and used them. I have one here too..but I do garden extensively..about 5 acres in a garden.. Organic for the most part too..manure..LOL

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Old 03-10-2011, 06:09 AM
cobrican cobrican is offline
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I also tried the new Remmington Hyper Velocities. I Liked them better than the heavy Metal because I could get them for less than $20 a box at Wal-mart. Black cloud didn't stand up. Also had problems with the Black Cloud shells hanging up in my Remington 870 SM.
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Old 03-10-2011, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
Now then..Fabs..what the heck do you need a tractor for?? ...on 2 acres..sheesh. I had 3 tractors in Md bnut I did have a couple hundred acres..and used them. I have one here too..but I do garden extensively..about 5 acres in a garden.. Organic for the most part too..manure..LOL
I don't NEED a tractor. Just like I don't NEED the zero turn mower that is being delivered next week. However, they sure make doing things a lot easier.

I am probably going to install a French drain about 4 feet down in the front wall of the house because we are getting water through the block there since there is a hill right in front of the house. It sure would be nice to do that with a backhoe. Contractors want $10,000 to $30,000 to install the drain.

Then, the downspouts are set up in a fashion such that they drain right into the backyard on the surface about 10 feet from the house. Whenever it rains, the backyard is a marsh. I've had geese landing back there. However, since there are too many houses around and I cannot shoot the geese, I am going to run those downspouts further toward the back of the yard and put them in drain wells. Sure would be nice to have a backhoe to dig those trenches and the wells. Then, I am going to put in a 4 car garage at the back of the property. Sure would be nice to have a backhoe and front end loader for that.

We are putting in a wood burning furnace with natural gas backup this summer. It might be nice to have the tractor out in the woods to pull trees, carry wood, etc. One of the farms I hunt is just 6 miles down the road and they have about 30 acres of woods. Shouldn't be a problem getting firewood out of there. So, a Stihl chainsaw is also on the list of wants.

Oh yeah, we are putting in a fence for the entire backyard to keep the deer out and the kids and dog in. The backyard is about 1.5 acres. It sure would be nice to have an auger to dig those holes.

Then, the next big purchase on the list is rental property and a farm. I'm eventually going to get a place on the eastern shore one way or another and the tractor would probably come in handy over there.

Kind of like my F350. It works as transportation but I don't always NEED its capabilities. However, when I NEED them it sure is nice to have them and I will probably have that truck for 30+ years. Same goes for the tractor. I won't always need its capabilities, but it sure will be nice to have it around when I need them. Over its lifetime, or mine, whichever ends first, I am pretty sure it will come in handy many times over.

Might even be able to use it on the farm 6 miles down the road to put in a pit blind and maybe some food plots. Who knows. All I know is that I have a bunch of heavy work around the house that I need to get done over the next couple of years and a tractor sure would be useful versus a pick, shovel, and buckets.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:12 PM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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Sounds like to me Fabs is looking for an excuse to buy a Tractor. Ah men and their toys.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by buckhunter View Post
Sounds like to me Fabs is looking for an excuse to buy a Tractor. Ah men and their toys.
You know me. Bought a $435,000 house so I would have an excuse to pay $5,000 for a zero turn mower and another $30,000 for a tractor. I'm going to buy a $500,000+ farm just so I have an excuse to buy more decoys, tree stands, camo, etc., and a bigger truck.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.

Last edited by skeet; 03-11-2011 at 09:19 AM.
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Old 03-11-2011, 08:01 AM
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Just remember Fabs the man who dies with the most toys wins.
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Old 03-11-2011, 09:19 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Fabs..ya ain't gonna get much "farm" for 500 grand..You'll need at least a Mil or more..Then I can put you in touch with a guy that can dig you a pond(pronounced pawn) Then I know where you can get a few geese to put in it for seed stock Keep the 0 turn mower..nice for cuttin grass As far as a tractor..If I were you..I would consider a small tractor like a Deere 990..clutch et al they aren't as convenient but have much more power..less to fix ' Then you can put some land in CRP and rent the rest out an be a gennlman farmer Hehehehehe..But please..don't act like a yankee over there on the shore.. If you do good..I can introduce you to a few real hunters..maybe get in with 'em...but you can't act like a yankee. That is really impotent. If ya got 'nuff land to put in some Sunflowers pronounces sun will put you in good with those guys. They'll teach ya how to pay fer the plantin and still have fun..But keep an eye on 'em.. They ain't country bumpkins and for the next 20 yrs you'll still be a come here..but the jokin bout that will get better over the course of 10-12 yrs...Oh and last but not caps.. Seed company hats..tractor hats and blue jeans or bibs..and come winter you have to at least look cold..none a them high falutin down camaflooge clothes. LOL An if ya start in to talkin bout tractors..John Deere..International and Ford. And if ya study a bit you'll really impress them guys if ya start in on Case or Minneapolis Moline or Allis Chalmers. They might even fergit and think you are onea them

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Old 03-15-2011, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
Fabs..ya ain't gonna get much "farm" for 500 grand..You'll need at least a Mil or more..Then I can put you in touch with a guy that can dig you a pond(pronounced pawn) Then I know where you can get a few geese to put in it for seed stock Keep the 0 turn mower..nice for cuttin grass As far as a tractor..If I were you..I would consider a small tractor like a Deere 990..clutch et al they aren't as convenient but have much more power..less to fix ' Then you can put some land in CRP and rent the rest out an be a gennlman farmer Hehehehehe..But please..don't act like a yankee over there on the shore.. If you do good..I can introduce you to a few real hunters..maybe get in with 'em...but you can't act like a yankee. That is really impotent. If ya got 'nuff land to put in some Sunflowers pronounces sun will put you in good with those guys. They'll teach ya how to pay fer the plantin and still have fun..But keep an eye on 'em.. They ain't country bumpkins and for the next 20 yrs you'll still be a come here..but the jokin bout that will get better over the course of 10-12 yrs...Oh and last but not caps.. Seed company hats..tractor hats and blue jeans or bibs..and come winter you have to at least look cold..none a them high falutin down camaflooge clothes. LOL An if ya start in to talkin bout tractors..John Deere..International and Ford. And if ya study a bit you'll really impress them guys if ya start in on Case or Minneapolis Moline or Allis Chalmers. They might even fergit and think you are onea them
Can't buy a new Ford anymore since they are now New Holland. What is the world coming to?

What would $500,000 get me? There was a place for sale down south that was on the Chesapeake. It was 80 acres, two prefabs built on it, waterfowl blinds and deer stands, and the guy was asking $379,000 for it. That was over the summer. Granted, it is a further drive than Centreville, but I can live with that since I would head down there for a week at a time. Just in case you haven't noticed, the economy isn't doing all that well just yet. The house we bought is a foreclosure and we paid $190,000 less than the guy that bought it in 2005. My brother said we stole it. I don't want to steal anything, but I will be looking for a bargain when it comes time to buy some land. I'll be looking for something in the 100 acre to 200 acre range with waterfowl and deer on it. I'll eventually hope to split my time between here and there when I get toward retirement age. Might even buy something further south like South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida. We shall see how things go.

FYI - you should know I never try to fit in with anybody. Most of my clients tell me that I am unlike any attorney that they have ever met. Probably the only attorney they have ever met with that drives an F350, wears blue jeans, a Columbia sweater and either a Columbia or DU cap.

I am who I am, and I am not changing to make friends with anybody. Maybe that is why I have so many friends. I know this one guy from the Eastern Shore that I met on a chatboard, but he up and moved to some place called Wyoming. God only knows where that is. LOL If I can be friends with him, probably won't have any problems making friends out on the Eastern Shore.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:53 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Posts: 4,614 can buy somethin cheap..or you can buy something good. Buy Good. Seriously. you'll be a lot happier in the long run. Good will not be cheap..even now. Good is not cheap even here..I have a friend from the shore..2 actually who are moving here. I just got one fellow in touch with a rancher here who wants to retire. Not a great big place but a good one. It also was not cheap..but the guy pays 10-20 grand a year in state income tax so he is gonna save that and there are other things..The property tax is higher in Park County but his 90 acre place in Talbot County costs him a lot in property tax..the tax on the 800 acre place here is under 3 grand...less than 10% of there.. The other fellow is gonna be out here in about 10 days lookin for a place to buy..but he and his wife only want 20-50 acres.. As far as that guy you knew from the eastern shore.....You sure you made friends with him??LOL. If you can ever get out..come and plenty of room in the house...Hey I might sell ya that other place I have back there..Needs a pond for waterfowl..but Plenty of deer and a real load of turkeys. About 180 acres. The house on it ain't big but lots of room for houses if ya need a big'un. You ain't that far from retirin are ya. I did it at can too.

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Old 03-17-2011, 05:09 PM
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I'll stick with fast steel. Works just fine for me. However, I've had friends who hunt sea ducks (eiders, scoters and the like) tell me they use Hevi-shot #6s and they do very well. Small shot for big birds but they shoot 'em in the lips.
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