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Old 03-20-2011, 05:39 PM
Jack Jack is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
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I agree that the expander ball is a significant factor. Not only can it pull the neck out of concentricity, it can also pull the shoulder forward.
Proper lubing of the inside of the case neck can prevent both.
IME, the benchrest type die that Redding makes with the interchangeable bushings will produce more concentric ammo.
A standard die, (either neck or FL) squeezes the neck more than needed, then opens it up again with the expander ball.
With the bench type die, you use the bushing you need to resize the neck only as much as you need to grip the bullet.
The benchrest type die is expensive- and probably more than you need for a hunting rifle. However, if you have a varmint/target rifle that's capable of very small groups, the bushing type die can help.
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Old 03-21-2011, 07:14 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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PJ...I just meant the Tong tools are almost as much work as the Lee Loaders. I think they make better. more consistent,ammo.. I also have quite a few...but think That will change soon. I just have too much stuff. Am going to keep some ...but not all of them. I also have some of the bullet sizing dies.. The Star sizer works sooo much better. In fact I am reducing my flock of bullet moulds too. Must have 30 or so. Just gonna keep 2 in each caliber and get rid of some of the rifle moulds entirely. I even got a passel more yesterday at the gun show..Duh..

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