1895 Steyr Short Rifle
I was roaming the racks in a nice gun shop with lots of military arms and spotted this rifle. Seems it was pushed aside into a dark corner and was covered with grease. It took about a half dozen patches to get a lot of grease out of the bore. Turns out this rifle was all matching with a decent bore and the price was very cheap. The shop did not have any 8X56mm ammo, but Graf & Sons sells it. Now all I need are a few clips and I will be good to go. Take care...
Joe |
Pictures..pictures.. I had an old rifle offered to me today..It was a Standard Arms rifle in 35 Remington..In like new condition,.. I've only seen 3 or four in my time messing with firearms.. Search for Standard Arms. It will be a better explanation than I can give.. And on Tuesday..we are going out to a range..and we are going to get to shoot a really neat rifle..A BAR.. The original SAW. I have some military ammo and of all things a BAR mag. I may even be convinced to buy a suppressor for my 45 auto
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
Here is a link
This will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about this rifle. All the best...
Gil http://www.surplusrifle.com/steyrm95/index.asp |
skeet, have only seen 1 and that was last year. When i was growing up both 8s and 81s were popular in the woods. Joe, I hope that you can find the needed clips, sounds like the rifle was a great find.
VFW Life Member, NRA Life Member, Wisconsin Conservation Warden Assoc. Life Member, Wisconsin Waterfowl Assoc. Life Member |
Three or four years ago when Gil came here for rifle deer season, I gave him a box of 8X56mm WWII ammo. It was 3 clips of Ball ammo in a box. Tell Gil to dig into his HEAP and find them for you. Adam
Adam Helmer |
I seem to find the sellers who always know exactly the value and what to sell it for and when.
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney) |
jon lynn,
What Luck? I am lucky because I met both Joe and Gil. Now, all Joe has to do is go do the manly task of sorting the HEAP and find them clips I gave Gil. I do have one box of 8X56MM Ball ammo and clips here on the farm for when I find a suitable rifle therefor. If them guys cannot find the FIRST donated box, I will give them my box of 8X56mm ammo and clips for "45 seconds of scrounging in Gil's HEAP!" LOL! Adam
Adam Helmer |
I saw my first one of these in a pawn shop yesterday.....gun looked to be in extremely good condition. Maybe now that ammo is available, it might be one of the "new" reasonable military rifles to get folks started in collecting?
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion! |