I never could understand if someone has a 30-06 and wants it to shoot like a 300 Win, wouldn't it be smart just to buy a 300 Win Mag. Or a 308 to shoot like a 06. I suppose we handloaders like to ring the most out of anything we have which is flurting with disaster.
I don't see anything wrong with trying to enhance performance of a certain cartridge for certain specifications, i.e. loading up a .30-06 or a .270 a little 'hotter' for a moose or elk hunt, but he key word here is "little"......and there are other factors that come into play when tweaking a cartridge for better perfomance (premium or match grade bullets, consistant cases from the same lot #, ect), not just upping the powder charge and increasing velocity (and pressure!).
Like most of you, I've found that a decrease in a couple of hundred fps in a cartridge will still kill cleanly and at the same time give better accuracy (usually).....
Still, this thread is about NOT reading the manual, or going by memory, ect.....check and double check your loading data.