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Old 05-22-2011, 10:10 PM is offline
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Daughter and her project truck

Keep in mind Cj is 5'9. I guess everyone has some sort of hobby. She and her boyfriend enjoy building these things. Hunting Wheels?

for some reason photos got deleted them..

Last edited by; 12-13-2011 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 05-23-2011, 09:05 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Nice. Looks like an old Bronco. Cannot imagine what kind of gas mileage it gets. What do they have in it for an engine?

When you say they enjoy building these things. Exactly how many of these things have they built? Do they sell them? Does your daughter actually turn a wrench in the build process?
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 05-23-2011, 11:49 PM is offline
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This one has a 400 motor..40 something a 79...It is also 1 of 4 broncos and a pick up truck in about the 79 year...Does she turn wrenches?..I owned fords when she was a kid growing up and that is where she learned to turn wrenches...helping me keep my cars on the road..She also had a job at UPS during school years..service trucks and she was the only one there among the guys that could drive a stick shift vehicle...Yes she turns wrenches and is good at it. I went in their garage one day and her own project was down to frame..They have the rears powdercoated plum color..lots chrome on motor etc..take this one to the local car shows and do win awards for does it no justice. She drives an 05 F150 with all the fixings..and does keep it factory though. She is an x-ray tec at Heritage Valley Hospitals. I guess everyone should have a hobby...Myself, after driving/wrenching 18 wheelers and trying to keep my ford vehicles on the road so I could get back to work, I am now alergic to wrenches....I just call her..
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Old 05-24-2011, 12:06 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by View Post
This one has a 400 motor..40 something a 79...It is also 1 of 4 broncos and a pick up truck in about the 79 year...Does she turn wrenches?..I owned fords when she was a kid growing up and that is where she learned to turn wrenches...helping me keep my cars on the road..She also had a job at UPS during school years..service trucks and she was the only one there among the guys that could drive a stick shift vehicle...Yes she turns wrenches and is good at it. I went in their garage one day and her own project was down to frame..They have the rears powdercoated plum color..lots chrome on motor etc..take this one to the local car shows and do win awards for does it no justice. She drives an 05 F150 with all the fixings..and does keep it factory though. She is an x-ray tec at Heritage Valley Hospitals. I guess everyone should have a hobby...Myself, after driving/wrenching 18 wheelers and trying to keep my ford vehicles on the road so I could get back to work, I am now alergic to wrenches....I just call her..
I hope I am eventually in your boat. Spent a couple days replacing the A/C clutch, power steering pump, and water pump in my Taurus right after tax season. At least the A/C clutch was kind enough to seize up right after tax season. Replaced the power steering pump and water pump because I was already in there and they were 13 years old and had 225,000 miles on them. However, the water pump came out with ZERO rust on it and the new power steering pump makes more noise than the old one.

Then, last week we drove down to Florida in the F350. The water in fuel light came on. Didn't have a decent tool set at the in-laws, so decided to take it to the mechanic that they recommended. That ended up being scary and I went back for the truck before they could work on it. Didn't have any confidence in them after talking to the service writer and then the mechanic, especially when they called me back and told me they could not find the water separator. Ended up fixing the truck in my in-laws' driveway with the tools I could scrounge up.

My kids are only 4 and 2, but they are interested in working on the vehicles and my 4 year old is learning which wrenches and screwdrivers to hand to me when I ask for them. She is actually starting to be helpful. Now, my wife wouldn't know a metric socket from a standard.

Good for your daughter. I am jealous, especially since the wonderful garage I had at the townhouse has been left behind. Now, the garage I have here is in shambles and my compressor isn't even hooked up because there is no 220 in this garage. I have to run that wire when I get a chance. Still trying to feel things out here and decide if we want to build an addition on the house with a 1,600 sf garage for more of my toys, or if I want to build a stand alone garage on the property which would be limited to 1,200 sf and a roof height of 15 feet. Either way, the garage is going to have a 12,000 pound lift in it. My father in-law was shocked when I told him that I wanted a lift and that it would cost $4,000. Then, he was shocked last weekend when the mechanic told him the repair to his Sonata was going to be $700, and I did it that weekend for the cost of parts, which was $200. Eight of those repairs and the lift pays for itself.

By the way, I would love to have an old Bronco. Gotta wonder how expensive your daughter's hobby is because modifying my Mustang got pretty expensive. Post better pics if you get a chance.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 05-24-2011, 12:13 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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I was in trade school when i was in high school by 19 i was doing auto machine work.
I dont even want to touch a auto i work on big trucks most stuff is easyer to work on for now.
The only problim with lifting trucks like that is u will snap dive lines and the 400 would not flow oil well and i would pollish the vallys and open oil return.
But if you like mudding you almost have to lift for ground cleaence
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