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Old 09-13-2011, 07:35 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Hull ID hlep

I went trap shooting over the weekend and found some hulls while dumpster diving that I've never seen before. They are as follows:

12 gauge, 2 3/4"
Low brass (actually, plated steel), two peice hull with plastic base wad (black or grey)
Hull is navy blue in color and ribbed. "Remington Peters" is stamped on the base. On the side of the hull is stamped (in black) "All American" and "8", (some have 9).

I grabbed these thinking they might be RXP hulls, as they look identical to that, but they aren't RXPs....they are a two piece hull.

Anyway, I went through all my resources and can't find any reference to them....I don't know if they are something new, or something really old (I started reloading in the late 70's).

I would like to load these up as light hunting loads (I only have a handful) and use the blue hulls as a color code type of them once, then discard them. If the 1100 chucks them into the brush, no big deal.

Oh, and by the way....they take a 209 size primer (not the old 57 size that Remington had at one time).

Thanks in advance.............
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:25 AM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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If they saw Remington Peters they are old, maybe early 70's. Then again they may be some special "run" they did for something special. I wouldn't reload them. It just ain't worth it.
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:31 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Old..when you load them you will have to use a very short wad such as the Winchester Red field load wad. They have a very high base wad in them..and although they were Rems number 1 case at one time they were not very good..but better than Remingtons first plastic case..these were their first real plastic target case. I happen to have a couple hundred loaded up from years ago. They came in green and Blue(peters) chuck 'em if ya don't have some short wads

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Old 09-14-2011, 07:06 PM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Thanks guys....I have some of the Winchester WAA12R wads (short, red ones) and I loaded the old Winchester "Polyformed" hulls (the ones with the high paper base wads) way back when, so I know what you are talking about. I'll give it a try with some older data for those hulls with lower pressures and see where it goes from there...........

Thanks again.....
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Old 09-14-2011, 09:46 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Try 17.5 gr of red dot with the red wad and 1 1/8 oz of shot. I also used that recipe with a Rem 23694 wad many years ago with 1 1/16 oz..I opened up a 1 oz bushing to through that charge..but bushings can be found in that measure of shot now. That wad had a slightly longer length of cushioning. Think that was a wad later known as a pigeon load wad (3 1/4 oz and 1 1/4 wad) RP-12

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Old 09-23-2011, 10:00 AM
dovehunter dovehunter is offline
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Originally Posted by buckhunter View Post
If they saw Remington Peters they are old, maybe early 70's. Then again they may be some special "run" they did for something special. I wouldn't reload them. It just ain't worth it.
Unless they have changed the headstamp since last year, Remington shells are still using the Remington Peters headstamp. I bought a case of 16 ga. Field Loads at Dick's Sporting Goods and that's the way they were headstamped.
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