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Old 09-29-2014, 11:50 AM
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Case Closed: FBI Says 9mm Is The Best Pistol Round

This was posted on Grand View Outdoors. I think the FBI guys have lost it completely. Their deal has always been to practice until they could shoot well and to use a big enough caliber handgun to get the job done. Apparently they have decided to go to more ammo in the magazine VS hitting the target with one well aimed shot. Why do I feel like this is politics, like the purse kind that hit the military.

Either I am nuts or they are, 38 to 45 to 10mm to the 10mm short called the 40 S&W, now to a 9mm. Did no one pay any attention to the shooting in Tuscon, AZ with the G-19 in 9mm? Has no one talked to the Spl Ops troops, the ones that must carry a 9mm and how they shoot folks and the shot guys, just turn and run off. Did we not learn anything in the PI..... with the 38 spl?
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Old 10-04-2014, 09:38 AM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Many ears ago I was out to buy a .45. Clark Bros. didn't have any in stock but they did have a Colt 10 DE. I'd never heard of them. Or more importantly...never heard anything bad about them prior to buying it.

I've never bought another pistol.

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Old 10-08-2014, 10:32 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Well with the right bullet (meaning) like a good hollowpoint with well aimed shooting the 9 is ok. With the ball ammo required for military use those idiots that make decisions that affect our soldiers...usually badly they really dropped the ball. Is any ball ammo not even in the 45..but it is surely better than a 9mm. My wife carries a 9mm Kahr..she can shoot it well..and it is very concealable. It is loaded with good Federal 147 gr Hollowpoints. I on the other hand carry(when I do) a 45 auto loaded with hollowpoints. The kind that were banned for sale.. Mainly cause I had a bunch and they are pretty good shooters. The FBI has gone SO politically correct now days. It was started to take care of the bad guys..Now..not so much..seems like they are doing more bad things to us..the people they are supposed to protect..But sadly..that seems the way it is with all police...No I don't hate cops either.

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Old 10-08-2014, 03:12 PM
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Usually when I get a 9mm it is in trade and I soon see it go down the road. I sold a P-226 last year after keeping it for about 3 years but it was an interesting W German built gun w two 20 round mags and the optional extended grips just for the 20 rd mags. The holster has a pouch on the front for a 20 also. If you wanted a real firefight you were ready. But a Para LDA 8 shot 45 ACP came along and I liked that DA 3# trigger, so down the road went the Sig. I like the 252 grain 45 Auto Rim bullet by Lyman, it makes a nice brick bat for a bullet in a 45 ACP.

I really just do not understand the FBI and this little bullet or gun business..... I guess everyone that remembers the little guns and how they failed, is now long gone.
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Old 10-12-2014, 08:08 AM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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9 mm

I live in Watertown where last year the fire fight between the local LEO and the Boston Bomber took place. Most departments carry Glock 40's in the Peoples Republic. Yes we all know that the 45 is the best man stopper ever. Ask John Browning and millions of GI's that butt it saved. Is a 9mm the best, no. Will it work, yes it will and well. Like posted if you use a good hollow point bullet and with good shot placement your good. Back to the firefight. During the battle and it was a battle, there was approximately 300 rounds fired. Only one bullet found its mark and it was friendly fire. The police officer almost died but survived and is thriving thankfully. My point is you have to hit your target. Not sure if any of you have been shot at. Its shall we say stressful and all logic and composure goes out the window. Out of 300 rounds fired not one found its target and they were close.

After this the role is reversing. A few of the departments are going to the 45. However a number are going back to the 9. With marksmanship taking a back seat to number of rounds available departments must be siding with the FBI.
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Old 05-06-2015, 04:34 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I carried a Glock M19 9mm from 1989 until I retired in 1996 as a federal agent. Our Duty Load was a Winchester 147 grain JHP round that served the purpose. I would have preferred the Winchester 115 grain Silvertip.

Any 9mm JHP is FAR BETTER than the Ball ammunition our troops are mandated to carry, in my opinion. As to the Question: "Is the 9mm the best caliber?" I think not. As an agent, I often carried a Colt M1911 .45ACP stoked with 200 grain JHP rounds in addition to the Duty M19 9mm Glock. I think the .45 ACP is superior to any 9mm and any ammunition.

Adam Helmer
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Old 02-21-2019, 01:08 PM
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Adam , I have the same feelings and opinion on the 9mm VS the 45 , There is no contest Bigger is better and the 45 ACP has a long proven record. I have 5 different model 1911's and they all shoot very well! Would never compare a 9mm to any one of them!
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