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Old 03-08-2015, 10:56 AM
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New 6XC barrel

Just picked up my latest barrel chambered in .274nk 6XC free bored for 107 gr SMK's. It's a Kreiger 4 grove, MTU contour for my BAT M. Looks like the weather is going to break here so can't wait to shoot a ladder and get it ready for our first Match in May. This build was to get my 12 yr old son involved in the 1000 yard silhouette matches I shoot. A $750 barrel is much cheaper than a $2-3000 bench gun. I chose this round for barrel life ( I currently shoot those barrel burning 6.5x284's) and reduced recoil. If we both shot one of my 6.5 barrels it would be toast by the end of season. If he enjoys this, I'll byild him a gun for next season. I have great hopes for this round.. Upwards of 3k rounds should last us this year anyhow.

Let's just say it was a "good" buy on the blank, break. Well it was already built for a BAT B but those barrels won't just swap out on a model M. Had my smith cut of the shank, re thread and chamber it. Tried out a new smith on this one and he turned it around in 3 weeks. Much better than the 3 month wait I normally have. I have another barrel with my regular smith chamber ing that in in a tight neck .290 6.5x284.

35 deg still is not optimal for working up loads but I can at least find a couple nodes the thing will shoot in. Already have a good load for my one 6.5 so if I don't get this one shooting perfect by May, I'll just throw the other barrel on. Shot that one weekend after Christmas at 550 yards and my 5 shot group was 1.75" with .75" of verticle. Should put me in that 4" range at 1000.

Those BAT actions are awesome.. Simple barrel swap, headspace dead nuts it's what most would call a switch barrel gun. My vice and action wrench comes with me along with an extra barrel if the one I'm shooting isn't up to par.

Will let you all know how this one shoots.. I have high hopes.

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Old 03-09-2015, 05:26 PM
Gil Martin Gil Martin is offline
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Sounds interesting

Pictures would be great. Good luck on your project. All the best...
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Old 03-14-2015, 08:22 PM
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Well I got a chance to shoot a little last night, get it cleaned up and broke in. I had several cull cases from 2 weeks of brass prep of 200 pieces. I have to say after the first 13 rounds down it, it sure cleans up nice and no signs of copper any more. Actually it hasn't shown much at all from the beginning, only slight signs with sweets. I have 12 rounds ready for a ladder test tomorrow, so I'll should be able to find a couple accuracy nodes and know how she shoots when I'm done. I normally shoot my ladder tests at 550 yards but I'm not traveling more than out my back door to the 300 yard range. It's just about the minimum to decipher the ladder results.

I was able to use one cull and make a modified OAL case. I'm seated about .003" in the lands according to my modified round. Hopefully I'll be able to post some good results here but I'm really optimistic. I've yet to own a Krieger that didn't shoot, just how well ... We shall see.

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Old 03-17-2015, 09:03 AM
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Thumbs up

Shot a ladder test last night and found at least one good accuracy node. I hate to shoot those too close, like 300 yards. My 2.4 grain 12 shot spread shot about 2" of vertical. Luckily I was able to decipher one accuracy node, so I now have a couple loads worked up for groups. Move that out to 5-600 yards and you'll see 5-6" vertical spread and real easy to read your accuracy nodes.

From what I saw so far, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a shooter. Heck it shot under 3/4 MOA with a 2.4 grain spread at 300! I look for 1/4 MOA out to 1K and at least in the .1's, 5 shot at 100. I'm certain this barrel will do that from what I saw.

I think a have another good barrel here...but do not know yet if it's going be a great barrel. Still very optimistic..
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Old 03-25-2015, 07:08 PM
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I've been waiting about a week and a half to shoot bc conditions just weren't ideal for groups. I stepped out last night and had a lot of mirage. I normally shoot 50x but I had to run about 25x and the target still danced. Against my better judgement I shot for group anyhow, resulting in some sub par 1.75" groups from both the 38.8 and 38.6gr load.

Tonight it was dreary, no sun and I had the bug knowing that barrel could do much better. I loaded up two more sets of 5 rounds loaded at -.003 and -.006 seating depth at my mid node 38.8. Perfect conditions and both mic'd in right at 1". That'll put me in the 3.5" range at 1000.

Next is load up all these cases to get one firing on them and do some last minute practice and any tinkering needed before the first match in early May. Took about 34 rounds to verify the load I'll start with. Not too much tinkering.. Looks like another good barrel.

I'm not done yet, but it's good enough to be a contender

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Last edited by petey; 04-04-2015 at 06:56 PM.
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Old 03-27-2015, 12:54 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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More fun and games. Hope it shoots as well as you hope for. That looonnnggg range stuff is just way past my pay grade anymore. I bought a Kimber 84 L in 30-06. It shoots better than any 30 cal rifle I have ever had. Being an ol guy I can't keep it under 3/4 inch. But I have a friend who has shot it. He is just nerveless. He shot 3 out of 5 groups with that rifle under 3/8 outside spread...not center to center. Amazingly it does it with Hornady Superformance factory loads with 165 gr SST bullets. I have taken 3 rounds apart weighed the powder charge checked the bullets etc etc. Have loaded some that seem to shoot the same for me. If I could stop my pounding heart beat I could probably shoot that rifle better. It is my longer range elk rifle. I still carry either a Marlin 45-70 or my old Winchester 71 348 up in the black timber. a long range there is maybe almost a 100 yds. The Winchester has a bolt peep and the Marlin has a Lyman peep. I was amazed at some of the shooting you guys do up there.. 500 yds would be my outside range on elk hunting. Speed goats too...if it ain't blowing. You ought to see those elkies RUN up a hill at 9000 ft..I might have to crawl the same slope

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Old 04-04-2015, 07:04 PM
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petey petey is offline
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I wanted to get my boy some trigger time behind the new barrel, plus I had a couple seating depths I wanted to check. In order to make it fun I built him a 2.5" swinger and set him up at 300 yards. Here's his first 20 shots behind the wheel. He put so many bullets inside each other he shot through my 1/2" steel swinger twice.

Not a bad 20 shot group for 300 yards!... Yeah that'll do!

Skeet.. The crew may make it out your way for speedgoats this year. Don't know too much about it, just been acquiring points over the last 4 years.
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Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Last edited by petey; 04-04-2015 at 08:13 PM.
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