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Old 01-18-2017, 09:59 AM
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1927 a-1 Thompson machine gun

Am looking to buy a Kahr Arms 1927 A1 Tommy Gun, Not sure if I want the pistol grip forend configuration or the M1 style block forend one. I know the M1 style will not take drum mags. Anyone own one of these and what is your experience and opinions other than its a Boat Anchor Heavy!
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Old 01-19-2017, 08:45 AM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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Yes the guns are heavy. I think the gun looks out of sorts due to the NFA required 16-inch barrel where the original barrel was shorter. The guns shoot ok, but remember the .45 ACP round has a "RAINBOW TRAJECTORY", so shoot close.

Adam Helmer
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Old 01-19-2017, 01:58 PM
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HI Adam how are you?
Been looking at these Chicago Typewriters for some time now and decided to order one with a 50 round barrel mag and a 30 round stick mag! Going to have some fun since I reload lots of 45's for my 1911's It will be an Ammo eater I am sure!
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
A Government Strong Enough to Give You Everything You Need is Also Strong Enough to Take Everything You Have! (Thomas Jefferson)

Last edited by 6.5s4ever; 02-03-2017 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:32 AM
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Tommy Gun with drum

In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
A Government Strong Enough to Give You Everything You Need is Also Strong Enough to Take Everything You Have! (Thomas Jefferson)
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Old 04-04-2017, 06:16 PM
Joe Boleo Joe Boleo is offline
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I have the Model 1927-A1 and the World War II Model M1 Thompson semi-auto rifles. They shoot well with 230 grain lead RN bullets propelled with a moderate charge of Unique. My local gunsmith had to do a bit of tuning to get my Thompsons to shoot well. I would suggest keeping them clean and well lubed. I use the 30-round magazines. The drums are interesting, but they tend to be expensive and make a heavy gun very heavy. Have fun. Take care.
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Old 01-06-2018, 08:01 PM
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Thanks Joe! Was out shooting this Thompson last weekend and loaded up the 50 round drum for the first time! Yes it was heavy to hold and think I will shoot this from the bench and use my stick mags for offhand LOL. It shoots quite accurate though really surprised me how tight of a group I got!
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
A Government Strong Enough to Give You Everything You Need is Also Strong Enough to Take Everything You Have! (Thomas Jefferson)
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