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Old 12-23-2004, 08:12 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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lookin to glass at long long range

what if you could get to klnow the game pattersn of big deer from the confines of your front porch. but this area is 10 miles from your house.

ill exsplain more. unit 45 (bennet mtn) the mtn is steep and rugged. the face you can see from my place in in the sun most all day from sun up to sun down. im thinking deer like this side of the mtn.

the mtn in hole is steep and rugged. rock ledges steep steep faces. pine trees, creeks cayons, flat grassy ridge tops, pretty much mule deer country in nutshell. all this visible from my place.

im curious if 500 bucks would get me some kinda spotting scope or possibly telescope capable of veiwing well at 10 miles. good enough that i can sit and watch game for hour at time, get to know there schedule. basicaly learn theyre way of life without leaving the house.

deer from here are known from all over. ive always heard unit 45 in idagi produced some of the biggest muleys around, buit had never seen anything worth talking about. this year is difrent. i got glimpse of 5 or so bucks taken off the mtn. these arent your average 20" plus muley.

aanyways is something like this possible with an investment in 500 dollar range or possibly less. i figure in year of glassing id save that in much in fuel tugging the horses up there every day after work.

tell me im crazy and ill agree

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Old 12-24-2004, 08:04 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I would look into some of the telescopes that are use for star gazeing. I don`t think that 50X will be enough and they are about the only thing on the market, that I know of, that have ebough magnifaction to do you any good.
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Old 12-24-2004, 08:59 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Yo Evan, U nuts Yea! But.......

Whet up to Salmon a few years back to train some cattle dogs. On the way up I stopped at Lemhi for a Twinkie and Pop.

Whet inside the store and at the end of the bar the fella had a spotting scope set up.

Asked what that was for and the fella said takea look.

Wow, Big Horns up on the mountain clear across the valley. Watched them for quite a while.

Would suggest that you get some kind of a variable up to 60 power and have a look see.

Looking that far all day will tax the eyeballs. Best to go for great optics.
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 12-24-2004, 09:23 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Got this from DutchBoy on the bino thread just below this one.

Look at Celestron C90 and C5

Was impressed with the review of the Leupold Compact 60mm scope also.
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 12-26-2004, 03:33 AM
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10 MILES? Ya Evan, you nuts. I think you need one of them thar Hubbel monsters!! But on the other hand, ifin you find something that works, then all us non-believers are nuts. I think you gotta get one of them star gazer gizmo's, at about 2 or 300 power or so to be able to get a decent look at 'em. Good luck, Waidmannsheil, Dom.
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Old 12-30-2004, 07:26 AM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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Do you want to be able to judge how big a deer is that far away or just watch the deer? If you're looking at just watching deer/elk and their habits look for a Nikon 20-60x with an HD lense. Unbelievable clarity for the money. I don't think you're gonna be able to find anything that will let you judge how big a deer is for $500 that far away. 10 miles is a long way. So you're going to have to tell us what works for that far. You might want to borrow a Wilde rangefinder, then you could tell exactly how far away it is. I know for a fact that it will give you a good reading on a cellular tower from about 6 miles. Now, I just need some kind of gun to shoot that far
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Old 01-08-2005, 08:16 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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just watching would be alright but id realy like to be able to spot the big boys layed down in the brush on the ridges or in the rock piles. it be kinda hard to spot somethething by itself outside of the heard.

i havent realy looked into this to much, been busy buying guns i dont need.

thanks for the info

it mighjt be less than 10 miles as the crow flies. i do know its right at 10 miles driveing to get to base of the mtn
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:00 AM
Ridge Runner Ridge Runner is offline
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anybody tried any oberwerk bino's?

found these on a search, never heard of them before
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Old 02-08-2005, 07:43 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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Ridge runner

checked out the link, very interesting, thanks for posting.

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Old 02-10-2005, 07:48 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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glassed a tower last evening with some kinda telescope telescope. at somewhere round 1000yds, pretty much city limit to city limit.

it ditn get me near as close s i was thinking it would but i have no idea what kinda power it had.

so im stumbed till i find out the power this scope had. one thing thats weird is id sware the image was upside down looking through the telescope. is this normal.

i better get off to work, ill catch you guys on the flip side, have a great day

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Old 02-10-2005, 09:38 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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Evan, it's normal on some reflector telescopes for the image to be upside down.
Telescopes used for astronomy often are reflectors that give uopside down images.
BTW, a relfector telescope is a telescope that has mirrors in it.
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Old 02-10-2005, 11:54 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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whats the other kind called, i cant think of it right now for some reason

while looking through the scope you almost can tell its upside down. i had to do alittle creative lookin to figure it out.

then i got to thinkn that lookin at stars youd never notice it ,
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