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Old 01-13-2005, 09:02 PM
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Post Got handed a shotgun on Christmas Eve

Now I get along with my bro-in-law so I didn't think anything out of the ordinary when he says "come down to the cellar I want to show you something." Here I thought he had yuengling lager on tap but no, he unrolls 3 guns from a blanket. One is an M1 carbine, another is an old heavy barrel remmy 22 target rifle with peeps and a rusty double. The guns belonged to his Dad and Granddad. I've been trying to get him to the pistol range for awhile now and figured he had some fun guns to shoot. After looking them over, he says "do you want them?"
Did he have to ask
The side by side says LC Smith on the receiver and Hunter Arms on top. Tracked the serial number back to the year 1911 and it is a SWEET 16!
Took the SWEET 16 to a gunsmith and had it checked over. The lock locks up tight and it was good to go. Bought some shells and went bunny hunting the other Saturday. My bud and I each got 1. I'm used to a heavy 870 and this double is just a lightweight.
My significant other (my wife, not "companion" ) cooked both rabbits, then served them with a wine sauce over noodles and mushrooms.
Member: The Red Mist Culture
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Old 01-13-2005, 10:14 PM
multibeard multibeard is offline
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Thumbs up Good old 16 gauges

My first gun was a Fox BST double 16 that I got for Christmas when I was 12 or 13. Still have it and it will go to my grandson some day. It is no light weight as it weighs in at 7 lbs.

I don't use it much but plan on going to the southern part of Michigan next fall to shoot doves with it. That is if the antis don't figure out a way to stop dove hunting before then.

I an going to pattern the double this spring to see if it shoots well enough to give it a try on turkeys. It is mod/improved so I have my concerns. If it doesn't work out I have an old Remington pump 16 that I will pattern. It was handed down to me from an uncle.
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:10 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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I didn't think you could shoot a shotgun well enough to kill a rabbit. Did you catch him by surprise. LOL

I have yet to kill a rabbit with the shotgun, even though I tried on a couple of occassions, but will probably never attempt to kill another after the last time I ran across one. It happened about 3 years ago while I was getting ready to put the goose decoys out. It was me, my dad, my dog, and a buddy. We saw the rabbit in the headlights. I got out of the truck, uncased and loaded the shotgun, and looked for the rabbit. It had taken off around the corner of the fence, so I went around the corner to see if I could find it, and there it was, at my feet literally, shaking. I called my buddy over and told him that he would have to shoot it if he really wanted to cook it. He passed on the chance, which I was surprised at. So, the rabbit sat there shivering for a couple more seconds until the dog saw it at my feet. As soon as the dog started at it, it took off running. Maybe time will heal my memories of that incident. Had something close to that on a deer that I gut shot this past year, and I had dreams about that for a night or two, but I am over that one.

Okay, that was a little off subject. The shotgun you got is a nice one. I don't prefer side by sides, but as far as side by sides go, it is pretty nice. I don't think I have ever shot anything that old, but it would be nice to own something that old and with that much history.

Nice Christmas present. You got three guns for Christmas and now you are getting a new .308 Remington 700. I am really getting jealous.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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