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Old 01-25-2005, 12:02 AM
earschplitinloudenboomer earschplitinloudenboomer is offline
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.221 load data

Any one have loads worked up with some of the newer powders?
I will be using 55gr bullets. (Due to long throat). I am presently using IMR-4198, shoots good but would like a powder easier to load with. Have tried BL-C Lot # 2. Am interested in 'Lil gun, or other powders that you guys have had good relults with. Thanx
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Old 01-25-2005, 08:27 AM
skb2706 skb2706 is offline
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Although I haven't tried it with any bullets over 50 gr. I like RL7 as well as any for my .221. It is very easy to work with, measures right on.
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Old 01-25-2005, 09:16 AM
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I keep coming back to RL-7, too. LilGun is very good with the lighter bullets, but I think it would start pressure-peaking before you'd get much velocity with a 55-gr bullet.

I got best results with 40s. You might want to try some - there just might be an accuracy sweet spot with them, even if they are a ways off the lands.
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Old 01-28-2005, 02:34 AM
earschplitinloudenboomer earschplitinloudenboomer is offline
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.221 loading data

Rocky Raab;
...this is a project gun, made waaaay back. Mark X Mini Mauser,
originally in .223, had the chamber cut shorter and reamed for .221 (this was before even Kimber was chambering for this carttridge), also have issues with the 1 in 9 twist. Went through a lot of powders and bullets, trying to duplicate Hornet, some shot good but not great. Started up in bullet weight through the 40gr, got up to 53gr and got the accuracy I'm looking for (1/2 inch at 100 from a bench rest), however, this is with 17.5grs of IMR4198. Going to 55gr. spitzer boattails next, since I'm going to a new bullet I thought I would try new powders. The RL7 you guys suggested sounds like just what I'm looking for.
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Old 01-28-2005, 10:01 AM
skb2706 skb2706 is offline
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ears - my barrel is a 1-14 twist Shilen (Contender carbine)that probably won't shoot 55's worth a damn......never tried. I have alot of AA 1680 powder around for a different project gun and noticed that the AA loading data lists it as a top performer in the .221 ....just another option. I may give it a try but I will say that thus far my .221 has launched just about anything 50 gr. and under extremely well....its not picky at all.
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Old 01-28-2005, 10:54 PM
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Ahhh. The 1-9 makes it a whole nuther cat, as you say. Your ides of a 55 boattail might make sense given that twist.

I don't have load data with me at the moment (I'm at the SHOT Show) but I'll look up whatever I tried with 55s when I get back next week.
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Old 01-30-2005, 01:20 AM
earschplitinloudenboomer earschplitinloudenboomer is offline
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Thanx all;
Still sounds like the RL7 may be the way to go. Haven't shot the rifle for a number of years, it has been on loan to my mom. Her .20 guage got to kickin' her pretty bad, I loaned her the fireball 'til I could shorten the stock on the 20...long story-short...she LIKED the fireball. It has stood guard faithfully, over her garden now for several years. Gunpowder is a better deterrant than rotten eggs, dog hair, perfume, or anything else we have found for deer. (Pop one behind the ear and his little generator light comes on). All applicable deer damage permits are in order. Groundhogs tend to go all limber too! Anyway, the big garden has become too much for mom, she now only tends a smaller one at the end of the yard, says a switch will do. Cayotes have been introduced as a deer control measure (I believe this), they are getting out of hand, thought the .55gr bullets might be better anyway. Especially with the 1 in 9 twist. Will be going to the range when weather permits, plan to start with the RL7.
Thanx again...ears
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