Hey Pa Whitetail hunters,,,
a lot of meetings are taking place regarding the future of the Pa deer herd? Seems as if alot of Sportsmans clubs are having meetings that are being attended by PGC personnel to hear what their thoughts are. If one of these are close to you, please attend and let your voice be heard. Whatever your feelings are.
Also I understand that the PGC has hired a firm from Idaho to do the infared deer survey thing by helicopter that I had mentioned earlier. The time and budget for this is limited so the results will probably be tainted. Go figure. They hope to have it done by next meeting time. I'm not certain if this is just political positioning or they are finally listening to what hunters are saying. We'll see as time goes along.
I only hunt on days that end in "Y" |
I don't claim to know much about helicopter surveys. Especially one that's going to use infrared cameras to determine how many deer are down there. The only experience I have is that while on a ranch in south Texas last year, the ranch manager said his survey had to be way off. This was due to the number of deer each hunter was seeing at the same hunting hours on the same day....go figure a ranch manager taking the word of the HUNTERS instead of banking on a helicopter survey. If you've never been to Texas and had the pleasure of hunting with a ranch manager, let me tell you: these guys know deer. They know how to manage a deer heard on a piece of ground to it's fullest potential. I explained the direction the PGC was going and he simply said: "It will never work." They can not manage an entire state the way they are. What good is a helicopter survey going to do for the state of PA when one is only so-so on 4500 acres in south Texas?????? Sounds like another good way to explain the license costs increase to me.
pa deerslayer,
now that mr alt has retired from the deer dept I wonder if their ideas will remain the same?not sure if this concept is working. |