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Old 03-27-2005, 05:21 AM
PhilLozano PhilLozano is offline
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Location: Ca. 1/2 yr. - Tanzania 1/2 yr.
Posts: 44
Are African animals tougher

Do you think African animals are tougher in general compared to American game.

Would prefer more than a yes or no answer on your choice.

I have my own ideas and will post them in a few days.

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Old 03-27-2005, 01:38 PM
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pomoxis pomoxis is offline
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Due to the higher number of predators, those animals with a little more stamina that it allows itself to survive after close encounter with a predator and able to survive will pass their genes along. So over time if an animal is able to suffer a loss of blood and is able to get out of the range of the predator it will live. The dump of adrenaline into an African animal is probably higher than North American animals and therefore may run a greater distance. That may lead people to think they are tougher.

That logic works with antelope and with larger animals the bulk works in their favor. The loss of blood will kill any animal but it is the matter of how much time it will take. In that time African animals will by their centuries of flight or fight selection when they can no longer flee will fight.

Therefore they are tougher.
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:50 PM
PhilLozano PhilLozano is offline
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Location: Ca. 1/2 yr. - Tanzania 1/2 yr.
Posts: 44
Mr. Pomoxis,

I believe you are correct.

With the abundant number of predators (large and small) living close to all the prey animals, I believe natural selection has taken place and the strongest animals have survived to pass their genes on.

I believe this is the primary reason African animals appear to have a stronger 'will to live'.

To make a longer story short, I agree with your views Mr. Pomoxis.

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