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Old 05-11-2005, 01:51 PM
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Skinny Shooter Skinny Shooter is offline
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Thumbs down Another reason why gunowners shouldn't divide themselves: C.A.S.H.

Radical and kooky they may sound but they are organizing to affect hunting. And I wouldn't doubt also trying to revoke the 2nd Amend.

The mission of C.A.S.H. -- the Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting -- is to accomplish what its name says in the shortest possible time. Understanding that abolishing hunting entails a process, a series of steps taken and not a single action that would effect our goal overnight, a time frame cannot be established. We hope for building a succession of wins, and if not wins immediately then at least a succession of stirrings of consciousness.

We hope to encourage those who are still silent to speak out, awakening community after community about the heavy hand of state and federal wildlife management agencies. We hope to alter whatever belief still exists that sport hunters are conservationists and champions of the environment to a realization that they are destroyers of wildlife and ecosystems in the narrow and broad sense. Where the natural feeling for wildlife doesn't exist, we strive to engender among citizens outrage that their own rights are violated by legal hunting and that their quality-of-life diminished.
Member: The Red Mist Culture
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Old 05-11-2005, 03:17 PM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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I contacted them. Not that it will do any good but

this is what I wrote

Subject: Organizations like yours

body of Email:

Are pathetic. They tell people half truths, and flat out lie to people to make hunting and trapping look bad. I see all the articles about dogs getting caught in traps you post on your site. How about the LEASH law that is being violated when the dogs are running loose and get caught in the traps.

One article you posted a person said that they were threaten by a hunter on their own land and then turned around and said the person was a felon and wasn't supposed to even own a gun. Well guess what? That guy is no more a hunter than you are. He is a convicted felon and a menace to society and should not be called a hunter. He is a criminal that was breaking the freaking law.,.. not a hunter. People that poach and slaughter animals out of season AREN'T HUNTERS either. they are CRIMINALS that are breaking the law, NOT HUNTERS
Real Hunters obey the laws and REAL HUNTERs help the environment and help keep the animal population in check. I mean humans ARE part of the natural balance of the food chain, just like the predators and prey in the wild. Without hunters and groups like the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation, The NRA, The Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, (all groups that support hunting and Hunter) without groups like this there would not be many species running around out there today in the numbers they are.


Orginazations like your's that make out that ALL HUNTING is a bad thing and that ALL hunters are barbaric, orginazation like yours should be outlawed and sued into submission for spreading false propeganda, Half Truths and out right Lies.

I hope your group falls apart at the seams and drowns in it's own foul stench.

Protect The Right To Keep and Bear Arms.

Thank You
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