offset scope mount
I recentley lost most of the vision in my right eye. Due to (sugar or blood pressure??} I am/was a right handed rifle shooter. Does anyone know of a company that makes an offset scope set up.
I shot 3 does left handed but its quite a bit slower finding the deer. Thank you Dave |
Offset scopes are`nt a very good idea. See through rings might be high to let your eye see through the scope, but you might be looking to sidways. Mpi stocks makes a left eye right shoulder gun stock, but it`s kinda expensive, that might be the best answer however.
First, I'm very sorry to hear about your vision loss. That must be a real challenge, but it sounds as though you're dealing with it well.
Your time and money would be much better expended learning to shoot left handed. For what an offset scope mount or stock would cost, you should be able purchase several rounds of practice ammo. I've not had to go through the process myself, but a couple of my acquaintances have changed from right to left or vice-versa and with some practice, they now shoot as well as they ever did.
"The American military is like a finely crafted sword. To be effective, it must be wielded by a discerning, skilled and merciless hand." |
My most frequent hunting partner lost his right eye in a shooting accident. He now shoots left handed very well.
Although switching will have a steep learning curve, I too think that would be the best solution in the long term. |
offset scope mount
Thank you for your replies. I've resolved myself to being a left hand shooter. Just grasping for a straw. Thanks again Dave
here is a sugestion that might help to you can still shot right handed with a hand gun.
I shoot both left and right handed and left eye dominent i like to practice by just sitting and sholdering the gun over and over. Youse lower power scopes you will have a better field of view when hunting with a rifel. shooting clays will help with faster hand eye time and dont forget x box and play station games will help to. |