Gettin' Ready
I got my non-Res IL tag in the mail last week. Looks like and Early April hunt this year for me and the Huntchat Prostaff. The 3rd week I'll probably be taking my nephew out on his first hunt ever during PA's youth season, then it's go-time back home come the end of April first of May.
Ahhhh my blood is running already. , I'll see you in 2 months Mr. Longbeard!
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect |
I know where your coming from. My grandson is finally old enough to hunt this year. Twelve is the magic age here in Michigan. He gets the Ithica Super Single 20 gauge I bought for him before he was a year old for his birthday the end of Feb. Then he has to get his hunters safety certificate and he will good to go. I just hope that he is excited about it as I am. We don't hunt till May 1 so it is quite a wait yet. |
Good Luck Petey.
And Multibeard, I hope you and your grandson have a great time. I can't hardly wait until my grandson can go with me. He is only 4 years old but talks about hunting turkeys and deer with papaw all the time. I do plan to take him out in a pop up blind this year and do some calling just so he will get some of the feel for it.
Take a young person hunting or fishing. You will be amazed at what they will teach you. |
Good luck chasing those birds with the youngsters! Nothing better than the spring woods calling in an ole gobbler and having a young new hunter by your side. Im anxiously waiting also: North Carolina birds in April, Maryland and West Virginia in May, and the best part, I got an invite to bring my sons and hunt South Carolina this year, never hunted there before but was told lots of birds and liberal limit- two birds a day with a total bag limit of five.and they hunt in March. Now if I can just convince my bossto let me off so I can work on my outdoor addiction with a little SC turkey rehab.
Yes, in taking my kids hunting, a blind is an absolute must. My 5 year old scared a couple of birds before i figured it out, lol.
I sure don't miss hunting those public land Metro DC gobblers. Talk about over pressured!!! Albeit I always got my 2 birds while living down there, it normally took me a while to do it. I can recall the first day I ever hunted down there... I went out and listened every morning for 2 week prior, and had the exact bird I wanted to shoot picked out and pretty much patterned.... never saw another hunter doing any preseason scouting. He always roosted on this one ridge. I never call prior to season, I just don't see the point in calling in a bird just to make him smart before season.... heck anyone can do that. Anyhow, opening day.....I'm the first guy there since I have him roosted and about 5 mins before go time here comes the first set of flashlights. I had around 5 guys sitting all around me...the bird jumps roost and is gone. I catch up to him a little later on and while working him good get another hunter who jumps right in between him and I.. Of course the brid saw him and shut up right away. I had a nice talk with that "hunter" and said where I come from you don't do that sort of thing. I think he could have cared less. I left very mad, and as I got to where I parked there were 10 cars there!!! I spent all day looking at maps figuring I needed a new spot and found a place that had limited access...actually I highly doubt many knew of how to get into this place. On the second day I went in and had one gobble right in front of me on the way in. I sat up 80 yards out. It took me 2 hours to call him in because I had another hunter come in on me and start calling. I got real agressive and closed the deal. After the shot, he came up and said "I just knew one of us was going to get it" What?!?...um if you knew I was there, why did you even jump in on me. Anyhow, 20-30 more birds later in many more states has taugh me that urban Maryland just blows for hunting turkey...Not b/c of the turkey, but because of the idiotic hunters. Anyhow, I can't wait for this year. I called a bird in for a youth last year. His first hunt ever and it was done in less than 5 mins of hunting. Then I called in a big ol longbeard for his buddy who also was a first timer. He moved at the wrong time and spooked that big ol boy....Oh well, we'll get him this year.
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect |
Petey, You are absolutely right. I tried the public land one time in Maryland and that was enough. It was in Cedarville Forest (you probably know where that is) and I had been helping those that ran the park as a volunteer ranger. I have never seen more idiots in one spot in all my life. I do hunt Wye Island whenever I get a permit for goose or deer but whoever looks over that refuge keeps a tight reign over the hunters, and they are very limited. I have not had any bad experiences there. By chance I met an older gentleman who makes turkey calls, and we started talking turkey, and after about the sixth conversation he invited me, my son, and grandson to join him turkey hunting here on the eastern shore ON PRIVATE LAND. He also invited me on the South Carolina hunting trip. I hunt Wv and North Carolina on private land also.