Chuck Adams at the Buda, Texas Cabelas today.
Chuck is a very nice and informative gentleman. I had the awesome pleasure of talking with him for about 10 mins. Great guy. Go see him any chance you get.
Greg L. Holland www.imageevent.com/gmherps Bowtech Liberty Would you like to own a Doublebull blind, but can't afford it just yet? I'll work with you on a flexible payment plan. Email me for details. |
gmherps,Not to be spoiler, but did you get Mr. Adams permission to use this photo, a couple years ago, a well known archery hunter, was photographed at a get together, the next morning, an attorney contacted this well known archery hunter and was advised if he used that photo for "any" purpose he would be sued, who knows, maybe he's changed since then.
Just tell everybody what a great bow that the Reflex Super-Slam is and all will be well!!! |