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Old 05-02-2006, 08:02 AM
tooldummy tooldummy is offline
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Degree Of Angle Question

I'm not sure this forum is the place I needed to ask this question, but since a friend of mine and me started out talking reloading and ended up talking bullet drop, I posted it here. Please feel free to move it if you need to do so.

My friend is looking for a bullet drop chart. What he is trying to figure out is if a bullet drops say 10 inches at 500 yards, how many clicks should he give his scope to be at 0 at 500 yards. I said that would be the same as dropping 2 inches at 100 allowing for the degree of angle, and if his scope has 1/4 inch clicks, he would need to give it 8 clicks to be on at 500 yards. Am I thinking right on this?

Do any of you know where there is such a chart that he can look at? He has the Sierra software, Point Blank, and I forget what other program, but he can't find this information on any of those, and although I remember seeing it someplace, I don't remember where.
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Old 05-02-2006, 09:01 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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You are pretty much correct about the click count. I'm not a scope clicker except for prairie dogs way out there, but the way you describe it is fine.

If your scope moves impact 1/4" at 100 yards, it will move it roughly 1/2" at 200, 3/4" at 300 and so forth.

For a fairly accurate drop chart, any of the computer-based ballistic programs will give that to you in several ways. You could get a spreadsheet presentation, a graph of trajectory lines or both. Note that any such chart is only as reliable as the numbers you put into it. The ballistic coefficient and muzzle velocity have to be correct. Unfortunately, both of them tend to change, so no drop chart is ever smack on. Knowing the exact range is also vital.
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Old 05-04-2006, 09:37 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Useing the velosity given in a loading manual usually does not work well as it is rearly the same as what your actually getting. Your velosity will also change due to temp., but usuallt not enough matter much unless you are shooting extremely long yardages. If your going to count on the charts for a 1 shot hunt of a lifetime, don`t even try. Check you drop at various yardages befor you go.
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Old 05-31-2006, 03:13 PM
bsterns bsterns is offline
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you might look at the data at check out the ballistics section.
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