Does anyone know where I can get some Quail Hollow Soybean Seed ?
Never heard of it.Any particular reason you want that brand.For quail plots, any soybeans will do, but only if it is near to a patch of brush,tall native grass, or stickweeds.
the main reason being that my uncle who own's the land is paying for the seed, paying to have the quail brought in, and going to do all the planting, said that is one of the things he wanted to plant. that and partridge pea, and something else. I dont know I've only quail hunted once in my life and that was about 2 weeks ago trying to get rid of the training birds. I got an elhew pointer about 6 weeks ago so I now have an interest in the sport. But yes for quial plots.
Partridge pea is a perrenial, once you start it, you have it forever.That said, you will want to keep your perrenial plants seperate from your annuals (like soybeans).
I still contend that any soybean will do.For what you are doing, I'd also recommend egyptian wheat or any tall grain sorghum. And plenty of stickweeds. BTW I'm betting you have wild partridge pea growing in the field. http://www2.ic.edu/prairie/partridge_pea.htm By the way, a weed field field with all of these plants listed is excellent quail habitat in your area(exept for the thistles and cockleburs).Remember that if you want permanent breeding quail populations, you need to kill the fescue and Bermuda grass in the area!!! Congrats on picking up this sport-you will be hooked. |