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Old 11-08-2006, 02:00 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Why our kids are in trouble

Did any one look at the USA Today poll on which cookie sells the most cookies for the Girl scouts?

Here are the results:

Thin Mints...25%



Do SI Do's....11%

Tag alongs....13%


Now did you sharpies, especially the accountant types, notice any dicrepancies?

That total equals 102%.

Now I can understand why our business executives have such difficulties balancing the books at our Major corporations. If this is the way our children are taught it sure explains why they use curse words so much in their commnications and every other word is an expletive.

My educational level almost ceased in 1952 when I joined the Army. I was in my second year of high school. I wanted to serve my country. So I made a few enhancements to my birth certificate took the tests and was "in like Flynn". I wanted my folks to be proud of me. Then an unfortunate thing happened. My folks found me out and so did the Army. I was sent home to my parents in disgrace.

My Mom and Dad met me at the train station and my Dad gave me a big hug and proceeded to kick my A$$ off the platform at the depot. I learned a very valuable lesson that day from him, "there are three ways to do something, the right way, the wrong way and my way." And 99.9% of the time "My Way" will be the right way. Never forgot that lesson.

Anyhoo, back to the 102%. This information was provided by the Girl Scouts of America to the TWO reporters who wrote the story. What math school did they go to?

Also, I figured that out in my head without the use of an abacus or a calculator. And I am far removed from what you might call brilliant. I must be a dumba$$ for serving my country for 27 years. John Heinz-SKeery said so. us militery types ain't too bright ya kno.

I wrote a little note to USA Today. I am anxiously awaiting their reply back. Ha, Ha, HA. Like that will ever happen.

Rant mode OFF, back to normal broadcasting.
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:35 PM
Andy L Andy L is offline
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Our children are in trouble for what took place in this country yesterday.
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Old 11-08-2006, 03:06 PM
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Duffy Duffy is offline
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Just 13% for Tag Alongs?! My house is probably responsible for 11% of those sales! I love those!

And contrary to popular belief, the Thin Mints don't keep you thin.

Anyway, good post/observation, BILLY. And I'm afraid Andy has a good point too.
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Old 11-08-2006, 03:24 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Originally posted by Duffy
Just 13% for Tag Alongs?! My house is probably responsible for 11% of those sales! I love those!

And contrary to popular belief, the Thin Mints don't keep you thin.

Anyway, good post/observation, BILLY. And I'm afraid Andy has a good point too.
Fabs post about God is a winner also. As far as yesterday, we can hope for the best and prepare for the worst I guess.
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Old 11-08-2006, 11:10 PM is offline
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Hey Billy, the girl scouts probably gave them the correct numbers. It was probably another misprint of the correct information like the news media has a high % of doing..Na, they wouldn't print the wrong information. Have they ever?
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