An affordable 1903-A3
One of the fellows that shoots our high power rifle matches has gotten very interested in acquiring military surplus arms. He bought an M1 Garand and then had to spend a lot at the local gunsmith shop for a new barrel, stock and other parts. He wanted a WWII-era Mauser rifle and found a lovely Yugo 24/47 at a decent price. He now shoots an AR-15 at the matches and his scores have climbed dramatically. For some reason he wants a 1903-A3 and has been suffering sticker shock. The CMP is sold out and local gun shops want around $600.00 or more for an excellent WWII 1903-A3 Springfield.
I told him about a Remington 1903-A3 that sits in a Fajen sporter stock on a used gun rack in a local gun shop. The metal has not been cut so it can be remilitarized. Mostly it just needs a new stock and some hardware. He took the rifle and will have a surplus arm for about half the cost of an original 1903-A3 Springfield. That seems about the best way to get an affordable 1903-A3. All the best... Gil |
The chap has all the parts to make up his remilitarized 1903-A3 and tomorrow we put it together. He will shoot the National Match Course with it in March. A sporterized Springfield will return to "as issued"condition. That is a good thing. All the best...
Gil |
Not wishing to sound cynical, but if one is looking for a Springfield nowadays if you find one ya better buy it while it's still cheap. Not only are they expensive they are as scarce as chicken lips. Best wishes, Bill |
I agree
Springfield prices are climbing right off the chart. You just do not see very many of them on the used gun racks. When you do find a decent one, the hang tag prices may give you chest pains. All the best...
Gil |
The project went well with one only a minor glitch. The after-market military stock was lovely walnut, but a bit oversize in the contours. The upper swivel band could not be attached. The local gunsmith will rework the stock to complete the project. All the best...
Gil |