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Old 01-17-2007, 10:03 AM
Rocky_Raccoon Rocky_Raccoon is offline
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starting new

Im new to reloading, i havent even bought a kit yet, i was planning on it but im not sure much about reloading... i understand a good bit of the basics but exactually what kind should i get, plan on using it for .223 (ar15) .243 and .338 lapua mag right now. im about to purchase a .338 Armalite Ar-30 and ive seen how much black hills charges for 20 rounds. and im hoping to lower it some by reloading, by the way about how much will i save on average (reloading modest to average amounts) per box? and what all do i need to get started can someone help me find a good quality (semi cheap) complete setup on the internet to help me on my way.... i hear cases stretch when you shoot them. so does that mean your limited to the amount of times you can shoot them before they wear too thin to use? maybe some suggestions on books would help too. thanks.. oorah semper fi... by the way. still here in iraq and we just found out were getting extended 60 to 90 days oh well more money to buy more guns i guess
“Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” -JEFF COOPER
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Old 01-17-2007, 11:41 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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R2, when you get home, the first thing to buy is a good instructional manual. I usually recommend the Lyman Reloading Manual because their "how-to" section at the front is more detailed and lengthy than the same parts of other manuals. Others are good, but Lyman is a bit better.

You won't save a whole lot compared to Black Hills ammo. It's about as good and cheap as you can get. What little you do manage to save will be more than balanced by the amount of extra ammo that you'll shoot. So you'll end up spending more - but shooting more as well.

Stay safe, my friend.
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Old 01-17-2007, 01:11 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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What Rocky said. I also think that the Layman manuals have alot more what to , and the why it does than anoy of the other manuals. Get one while your over there and start reading it, if you can`t find one pm me and I`ll find one here and send it to you. You may have some problems with the .338 Armalite, it is a wildcat and I`ve never seen any data for it, but I`ve never looked for any. Besides I do not recomand new reloaders to start with wildcat rounds. Anyway keep you head down and we`ll keep you in our prayers.
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