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Old 02-12-2007, 08:27 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Primer pocket uniforming question

Small pistol primer pockets are different than small rifle primer pockets, thus requiring a different tool to uniform them.? Is this correct? I guess the same would be true for large pistol vs large rifle cases?

I bought a small primer pocket uniformer for use on the .218 Bee, but if I could use it on the .357 mag cases I would. Lymans instructions were a little lacking in clarifying things. Thanks
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Old 02-12-2007, 09:10 PM
Ol` Joe Ol` Joe is offline
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Small pistol primer pockets are different than small rifle primer pockets, thus requiring a different tool to uniform them.? Is this correct? I guess the same would be true for large pistol vs large rifle cases
There is a difference in height between the sm pistol & small rifle primers, you should use the proper uniformer for these cases. The Lg rifle and pistol I believe are the same but would not swear to it.
I use Sinclair Lg rifle and Sm rifle tools on my Rifle cases but can`t see any need for doing pistol cases. The small gain in uniformity won`t help my poor shooting with a handgun.
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Old 02-12-2007, 09:26 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Uh...what Joe said

about handgun cases here too. I'm lucky to keep 'em all on a target.

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Old 02-12-2007, 10:14 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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I would have to agree with the others- whatever accuracy gain you might get from uniforming pistol case primer pockets...well, if you can see that in the results on the target, you're a fugitive from the Olympic pistol team.
Uniforming primer pockets on pistol cases is a waste of time, in most cases.
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Old 02-17-2007, 10:48 AM
Don Fischer Don Fischer is offline
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Here's a stupid question. If you have a hunting rifle shooting under, or even at, 1" group's, what do you hope to gain by uniforming primer pocket's? Them if your pet rifle will only do 2" group's, how much better do you think it will shoot after uniforming them will do? Sorry, That's two stupid question's.
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Old 02-17-2007, 11:54 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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1" groups

Well, I'm sure Rocky has said this a time or two...but 1" groups are really good groups...especially from a Hunting rifle! Yeah, if we trick them all out and do all the mods on them that we can...a lot of rifles will do better. Some much better. The only part of the equation that we really can't do too much about is the guy holding the rifle. Some people really aren't capable of sub 1" groups consistently. I find as I get older that I can see my heart beat through the scope crosshairs bouncing around. I used to be able to control my heart beat a little with breathing control but not so much anymore. And I have really low blood pressure of 100-110/60. If my BP was high I'd probably be bouncing all over the target. Heck I have a Ruger No1 that I am lucky to get to shoot slightly under an inch but it will stay at an inch or under to 200 yds. Weird...but every rifle is a law unto itself. I do have a Rem 788 that will consistently with good shooting stay at 1/2" and it is a pure stock rifle with an el cheapo scope. Stays sighted so I an't changin nothin'. BTW it is a 222 so part must be the caliber. It accounted for over 450 groundhogs. At a buck apiece I really did pay for that rifle

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Old 02-17-2007, 02:06 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Don, my theory is that every little bit helps. I'm past the point of making reloads, I'm making handcrafted ammunition. Not only for the accuracy dividends but the pride of doing a good job.

How much can it add up? My Winchester 43 in .218 with ammo that has had the flash hole deburred, cases weighed and using a Lee collet crimp shoots 5 shot, 100yd groups of .580". That was the first load I tried. It won't do that with factory ammo or plain old reloads. Maybe with a little tinkering I'll get it under 1/2". Besides, you really only have to do the primer pocket once.
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Old 02-18-2007, 08:09 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I have never found doing the primer pockets to get me more than .010 smaller groups. In bench rest shooting this can mean the difference between winning and loseing, but but with a hunting rifle you`ll never be able to tell the increase in accuracy, and this would also hold true for alot of varment rifles. I have seen flash holes that were off center, but they are very rare and you through those out.
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