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View Poll Results: IMUS?
Treated fairly 4 13.33%
treated wrongly 6 20.00%
It's vendetta 13 43.33%
Both he and zumbo got it. 7 23.33%
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:10 PM
hnter hnter is offline
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Exclamation Imus

Considering the Imus flap, was he treated fairly or is he the recipient of a vendetta?
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:53 PM
skb2706 skb2706 is offline
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just an observation
but don't black rap music singers regularly slam white people

I must have missed the day Al Sharpton went after them about it.
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:54 PM
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Kenye (sp.) West said that Bush sent the hurricane to New Orleans. Now, that might not be a racist comment, but it does show something that should really be questioned.

As far as rappers are concerned, I don't even want to start on that kind of music. I used to listen to it once in a while, until I actually started listening to the words. That stuff makes me sick, especially now that I am going to be a father.

Just to clarify something, what exactly does "Both Zumbo and he got it." What does that mean. Does it mean they both got the shaft? Does it mean they both got what they deserved?
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Old 04-13-2007, 11:55 PM
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Being an uneducated boob I took it to mean watch what you say and be careful how and when you say it.

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Old 04-14-2007, 12:22 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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Here's my take on Rap music. I too listened to it and then really listened to it. I don't particularly like it but I listen to it everyday with my two teenagers when I pick them up from school. (Sports talk in the morning for me, their music in the afternoon for them) I listen because I want to know what they are listening to and how they react to it. I'm a huge music fan of all different types and the music of today is just as lryically challenged as is was in the 60's and 70's. I am raising my kids by allowing them to listen to the music they want to here and teach then what's right and what's wrong with the words and poor english being used in the songs. Kids today will be exposed to the music at school dances, with friends, ipods, etc. just like they are exposed to drinking, drugs, etc. It's up to us as parents to teach them and talk to them about right from wrong. Kind of like handling a firearm...... Hummm funny how things can come full circle.
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Old 04-14-2007, 10:01 PM
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Don Imus has been providing a forum for liberals to spew their garbage for years.
His big mouth got him fired. Its about the money. When the major sponsors for his show on CBS started backing out, CBS no longer needed him.
I am sure he will wind up on Sat radio like Howard Stern.
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Old 04-15-2007, 04:37 AM
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I don't care for shock jocks and the like.............but rap should be a crime, it ain't music.

But what Imus said was wrong for a white man in America today. I work for the DoD, with black Americans and African-Americans. One friend hates the 'African' title, quote from him : "I ain't never been to Africa" And I agree with him, his family has been in America way longer than mine, by about 150 years, maybe more.

The others who are considering them selves African-Americans say the "N-word" to each other regurly, and I have on more than one occasion heard them say "The white boys." Being from Oklahoma if I said "Black boys" I would be in deep kim-chee, and most likely fired. How's that for a sterio type.

As far as Imus is concerned, I use Jim edwards old campagin slogan of two Americas. One is non-caucasion who can pretty much say's their constutional right (even if they are ILLEGAL ALIENS)..............then the always wrong, can't say crap with out being labled a klan member or some stuff.

I am truly for equal rights, and we are ALL Americans. I was raised not to see color, and respect other culters. But always being politically correct is getting old. All colors, races and religions SHOULD LIGHTEN UP! Get a bloody grip. Respect is a must, but if YOU can say it, I should be able to, and vice versa.

But it is getting out of hand. If Jessie Jackson said it (it would really be silly...but) would be a snicker in the news, kinda a joke of the day. If Sharpton said it he would be on SNL for the 100th time. But Imus said it so it was wrong. It was nowhere near the Michael Richards racist rant, which was WAY-WAY wrong and over the line.

Right, wrong or indifferent, a white guy said it, so it was wrong.
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Old 04-15-2007, 02:59 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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what he said was wrong and hurtful if he would have called sharpton it i wouldnt have a problim becouse he is a nappy headed ho and it would be his and my personal openion.
These are kids going to school and playing a school sport it is totaly wrong
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Old 04-15-2007, 04:54 PM
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Looks like the Russians have it all figured out. And I thought our Lame Stream Media was bad.
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:04 AM
Mil Dot Mil Dot is offline
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I've never listened to his program, so I really don't know his line of banter. Apparently, he has been around for 30 or so years. When I heard about this flap an incident that happened awhile back popped into my head ... Howard Cosell (sp). Seems Imus could have learned from the past. IMO the chicken just stuck his neck a little to far out over the choppin' block. Whatever the force behind the hatchet it was moving to fast to be stopped. Sorry Don, media money isn't giving a Mulligan for sloppy mouth control this time. Looks like chicken tonight.
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:54 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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I'm waiting for when an independently wealthy public figure says something that isn't pc and have that person follow up with "It's my First Amendment right to free speech and if you don't like it, go pound sand."

Don't alot of those "shock" shows have a disclaimer that the views expressed are not he views of mngmt, the station etc.? So why is cbs and msnbc all in a tiff? How come when there is something on tv that white folk don't like, were told to change the channel? Guess that don't apply to everyone.

So the girls were upset and traumatized that Imus called them nappy headed 'hoes. If they are that thin skinned, they are going to have a tough time in the real world. The whole thing is a crock of bs.
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:28 PM
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If you watched the game, you would have seen that the Rutger women were a lot rougher looking than the Tennessee women. The Tennessee team had some pretty good looking black women on the team and the Rutger women weren't even close in athletic ability or beauty compared to Tennessee.
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Old 04-16-2007, 06:48 PM
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Fabs you hit the nail on the head. Image projection. The girls looked exactly what Imus called them.

If ya wanna look like a bum, don't be surprised if people call you a bum.

Of course the girls were merely emulating the studs in the NBA. You know the ones, they look like walking Etch-A -Sketch boards.

Some of my biggest heroes when I was growing were players. They sucked up the bad things in life and went out and played ball. They didn't cry because grandmummy had a heart when they were 7 years old. Everybody nowadays is a victim.

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Old 04-16-2007, 08:38 PM
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If you follow my posts, you know I am completely anti professional sports at this point. I am an avid cyclist and did pretty well in the sport when I was in my teens but quit to go to college. Last year was the biggest doping scandal in the sport, even though people in the sport know it has been rampant for 20 years plus.

Pro football and baseball are terrible too. The NFL players union and the NFL have just come to an agreement to up the random drug testing to 12 players a week, up from 9, during the season out of the 3,000+ NFL players. This, after catching Shawn Merriman on steroids last season. With a 16 week season, they will test all of 192 players which is just over 5% of the players. Honestly, I think it should be much harder. Same goes for baseball. It makes me sick to think that Bonds is going to break the home run record.
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Old 04-16-2007, 08:45 PM
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What DO you call black people's hair that's curly?
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