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Old 05-01-2007, 04:35 PM
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I decided to get into shot shell reloading, bought two MEC 600jr presses, one for 28 and one for 410 (2 3/4 & 3). I need some pointers about shell casings to reload and wad cups to use. I did get two universal charge bars so I can load what I want without fooling with changing bars.

I will be shooting sporting clays, so the 3/4 and 1/2 ounce loads will be normal. I will also try some 1 ounce and 7/8 ounce loads in the 28. Primary loads will be in the 1200-1250 range with consistent patterns the goal. I have pretty much decided on H-110 or Unique as the powder.

I have 4 presses for metalic cartridges set up in my reloading room. This is just the first outing for the scattergun cat-ridges.
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Old 05-01-2007, 10:28 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Oh wow. Starting with the 2 hardest shot shells to load. Just a heads will get the best patterns in the 410 from the 2 1/2 inch shells. Others will say not but I've been loading the 410 for years(45 of them in fact). and the 2 1/2 inchers are so much easier to load and much easier to find cases for too. So at least start with that length. Remington shells are easiest to find...and load.. too. most any wad will do but try the duster wads first and use either lil gun or Hercules 410(410 is best). In the 28 ga no shell is actually best. I load the STS Remingtons as I have about 5000 once fired but I also load the Estate 28 ga too. They don't come out as pretty but they are easy to find and fairly cheap. You do have to use the Federal wad in them though. In the Remington I use the Remington PT 28 but am trying the 28 ga duster now. Loads ok so we'll see. 28 ga powder..unequivocably the best and easiest to find is UNIQUE 12 gr in the Remington 13 in the Estate and Federals. I love to shoot the favorite dove ga and great for quail if ya can find any. Works good on close pheasants. Used my 870 28 on Field trial pheasants a few times but the people running them thought it was too small...never missed a bird with it though. If you want any more info PM me

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Old 05-02-2007, 09:54 AM
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Thanks Skeet, that is just what I was looking for. If this gets to be to big a hassle, I will put the whole mess in a box out in the garage and continue to buy my shells.

I do like the 28, but it appears the shot selection is fairly critical. I have two 28s, a Browning Superlite 1970s vintage steel frame, fixed choke gun and a new Browning 525 gun, I just adopted. The 525 is a 3 barrel set. I took the Superlite to Argentina last year. It was not much for open field, high bird shooting, but once I got into the edge of some trees it did fancy work; pop, flop, pop, flop, etc.

The 28 and 410 are fun to shoot on Clays.
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:11 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Those guages are fun to shoot.

410 is good to about 30 yds with 8 1/2 shot on doves.once you get down to 7 1/2's the patterns get a little skimpy. The 28 is good to an easy 40 yds with the right chokes on any thing up to ducks. Shot lots of ducks in the little woods ponds back east till they decided steel only. ounce loads in the 28 aren't hard to load but they don't pattern as well as 7/8 ounce loads. Have to cut the wad petals off to load most one ouncers. 7/8 oz loads are easy in the Federal and estate shells. Data is kind of hard to find. I'll look up my stuff and see if I can find some for ya. Powders for the 28 ga 7/8 and one oz loads are easy though. Hodgdon Long Shot

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Old 05-02-2007, 01:35 PM
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Yes, in clays, I choose my station sets before I shoot the 28 and 410. Most ranges are set for a 12ga gun. If the birds are fairly close, I drag out the pop guns. Last time out I shot an 83 with the two guns combined on a single round. I was using 8 1/2s with 3/4 and 1/2 ounce loads. The 410s were 2 1/2s. I was using Nobel Sport shells.

Oh, forgot to mention I have two 410s, that is I will have two if I ever get my LC Smith back from the guy that has the matting machine. The other gun is a 525.

I take it that the old Lyman books are not to good for current data? That is what I thought I would use.
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Old 05-10-2007, 03:41 PM
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The two machines came in last week and the reloading supplies (Chedite shells, primers and Fed wads) came in last night, so I unboxed the supplies and loaded some 28ga hulls . One thing I did find is that the Chedite hulls did not like the WW wads and the WW hulls and WW wads did not like the load or perhaps the set from the machine. The Federal wads worked just fine with the Chedite and Nobel Sport hulls (they look the same). I decided on 13.5 grains of Unique, because I have two 8 pound canisters, with the 3/4 ounce load. The book says the load is 1200 fps. The only size shot I have right now is a bag of 7 1/2 that I took off my Lead Sled. The 7.5 shot is OK as I use 8.5s or 9s for most birds and use 7.5s for the long birds on true pairs.

Now we just have to try out the loads and wait till I get the three bags of #9 shot in.

Perhaps this weekend I will try my hand at 410 loading. I have an 8 pound canister of H-110, so will start with that and the 7.5 shot.

Thanks again for the info.
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Old 05-10-2007, 05:17 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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28 ga

Well the combo you have started with is an ok load. You can actually go up a half grain(powder) with the Cheddite hull and the Federal wad. That hull is pretty spacious inside(for a 28 of course). The Cheddite primers are not too bad. They have the brisance approx like the Winchester 209. As far as the 410..7 1/2's will load but the patterns will be a bit thin. The winchester wads are for use in tapered (inside) hulls such as the Winchester and Rem STS.. Nobel and Cheddite are probably the same case for all intents and purposes. Luck with your shooting. Using the right chokes at the same ranges as the 12 the 28 will come pretty close to the same breaking percentages. The 410 ...will be a BIT different I think! oh on the WW28 and WW 28 wad...a bit more wad pressure and 13 grs of Unique ot even 12 1/2 grs.

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Old 05-10-2007, 08:54 PM
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Now you guys have me wanting a 28 gauge and 410. I have been thinking about getting a tube set for my 682 GoldE, but I think I want a smaller frame gun instead. Ah, gotta get the AR-10 and AR-15 before any more shotguns.
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Old 06-05-2007, 05:21 PM
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Thought I would drop back and give you an update. First off: The #@**$#.* 410 shells are real fun to reload. Not only that, the first time out with the reloads, a shell rim bent and allowed the extractor to pull over it. Garbage in, garbage out. No rod, so I was done, get the fork.... I have a pile of Remington once fired a kind fellow gave me. We will try those next time.

Yep, as stated, the #7.5 shot in the 28 was thin, shot a 73 with those. I did get a bag of #9s and shot an 83 with the 28 using the 9s. So that was pretty good. I just need a set of LM chokes. The 525 three barrel set comes with IC, M and IM. We do not talk SK and F in the 28 or 410. Christmas is coming and the Midas goose is fat.

Fabs, I have sold my AR-10T (308/260) and the shorty AR-15 (10 inch Class II auto) and the AK-90 in 223. All of that stuff gets old quick, shoot holes in paper, then more paper and wow, what the hell am I doing with this junque..... well, I stilll have my issued Rockola M-1 "jukes ah box".

Thanks again for the advice...
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Old 06-30-2007, 11:09 AM
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No Need to get a 28ga Fabs

Fabs , I found a reload that in my Beretta 12 ga 682 gold E over/ under feels like I am shooting a 20 ga. I use 17.2 grs Red Dot with a Old style AA hull , Rio Primer, 7/8 oz #8 shot with the wad being a claybuster clone of WAA12L win 7/8 oz wad. This is susposed to shoot a little over 1250 fps. I tried it out on five stand and it breaks crossers and teal with authority! Lighning fast you may have to shorten your lead a bit, but it feels like no recoil at all. Can shoot that load all day and you wont believe how well it will break the targets. I am sold and will be using 7/8 oz loads a lot more! Regards Roy
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