FS: Reloading dies and rifle
For Sale Marlin 1895 45-70 rifle in excellent condition and some ammo. shot very little. For Wisconsin residents only as law dictates residents of your own state can only buy. Price is $450.00
257 roberts rcbs dies-$19.00 postage is included. 243 Win dies-rcbs- $19.00 postage is included. 257 roberts reforming dies- makes cases out of 30-06 brass. also makes 7x57 mauser cases in middle operation, incudes 25.cal reamer. price is $100.00 postage is included. These dies cost me $151.00 in 1984! Thanks..... |
"For Wisconsin residents only as law dictates residents of your own state can only buy."
Squirrel, What law? Federal or Wis state? I know of no such law, I sell through FFL's via the I-net to people in all states. I was in Wis 3 years ago and bought 4 guns, 2 from FFL dealers and 2 from private sale. At no time did I break any law. Hnter |
I sold the gun today to a wi resident. I use to have a Fll years ago. The Feds made it very, very plain to me that If you were a non FFl holder and the person who wants to buy is a non FFl holder he better be a resident of the state you reside in. If you can get someone to handle the paper work between two FFl holders that is fine. Having dealt with the Feds in this area, If they tell you that information I would go by it and be safe. I know that talking to the feds you can get many different rules depending on who you get on the phone. I am telling you what they had told me years ago. Maybe the law has changed now but I obey the law as it was relayed to me over the phone when I asked them. They can interpit the law any way they want to. Best Wishes Squirrelman |
Glad ya sold the shooter.
I've a .450 and a 45-70 and bought both NIB at a few $ under what you were askin. It might behove ya ta get new updated BATF info. Hnter
A retired bum, Opinionated Old Fart living happily in Free Wyoming. Never go any where unarmed, it's your right as an American. Only from my cold dead hands could you take my guns: C. Heston & I. Vote freedom first, last and always! Molon Labe! Life NAHC. NRA (Endowment). Officer: Wyoming State Shooting Association, Member: WSSA, Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), GOA, RKBA , JFPO. Founder: Wyoming Off Road Vehicle Association: Access, access, access! Fair public access for all to all public lands on or off wheels. Tick (Pi$$) a liberal off TODAY and every day !! Elitests SUCK! |
1) I agree with hntr ... get the latest info.
2) In the meantime, tell the locals they are coo-coo. 3) Having said that, you did the right thing ... given the info you had. Hope you got your asking price. |
I just bought the mate to the 45-70. Got a 444 Marlin with 100 rds of ammo for 300 bucks. Surprising what some people will pay for stuff. I was just offered a Winchester M-70 CRF(338 Mag) style in as new condition with a Bushnell Elite 3200 3X9X50 scope sling..hard case and a couple boxes of factory ammo for 600 bucks. Been shot a grand total of 14 times. Think I may buy the darn thing. Just for trading stock ya know... The BATF regs are so screwed up ya really don't know what to think...For the most part, neither do they!
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
out-state Sales
As long as ya sell through a FFL via another recieving FFL, it's legal. Period!
You're not supposed ta sell a handgun to an outastater at a gunshow or via private treaty but it's done all the time. Small potatoes to the BATF. The BATF agents tend to usurp the meaning of the intra-state sales R&R's. The Regional offices will give ya da truth! So will the NRA & other lesser gun-rights orgs. Hnter |