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Old 09-17-2007, 09:10 PM is offline
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North American Hunt Club scam???

I know a few people belong to the NAHC but I don't. Today I got in the mail a notice from some collection agency in NY about me owing NAHC $15 and they are a collection agency for them....I know some magazines use the old just send you a past due bill and lots of people just see it and send in the cheap trick to get people to join. This 'collection agency' thing seems to be going just a little too far for me. I don't belong to NAHC nor have I ever. I will never for sure the question is this a scam or just one of those slick adds to get you to join?
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Old 09-17-2007, 09:20 PM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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I joined it ONCE....15+ years ago, was not impressed. Got the same notice on a cookbook that I never ordered or received.
They finally got tired of the collection duns when I threatened to go to DA Consumer Office.
Probably good for some, just not for me.

As far as hunting clubs go, I've lost on both American Sportsman and Western Sportsman.....these offered actual hunting areas..too many members n too little land!
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
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Last edited by Dan Morris; 09-17-2007 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 09-18-2007, 01:06 AM
mrmiskin mrmiskin is offline
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Write them a letter telling them that you are contesting their claim and all future correspondence can go through your attorney. that will give them something to think about. there are companies that mail out group notices under one name in the hope that people will just pay to be done with it. its a shame that a hunting organization would stoop to something like this but i guess i am just an optimist.
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Old 09-18-2007, 03:47 PM
bigkevmorgan bigkevmorgan is offline
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welcome to the north american hunting club!!!!
what a rip !!!!!!!
if you can read this thank a teacher!!!

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Old 09-23-2007, 06:47 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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I was a charter member of the NAHC. I even have the very cool knife that sez so, made by Blackie Collins. Cost me $65 and is the best knife I've ever owned.
However, one of the promises was they were going to acquire land for the members to hunt on. After about three years, and no land, at least in my neck of the woods, I quit them. I later rejoined after about a five or six year hiatius, and by that time some outfit had bought them out and it was all a big rip off. I still have a bunch of book they sent without my permission and as far as I'm concerned they were/are gifts.
They kept dunning me and threatening me, so I finally told them to talk to my attorney. Never heard another word from them. They keep sending me solicitations to join the club. I fill their envelope with junk mail and send it back to them. I do the same with stuff from the Brady Bunch (Damned if I know how they got my name.) and AARP.
Paul B.
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Old 09-23-2007, 07:11 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Speak of the devil

I too just got a collection notice from some company for the NAHC. Guess I will get in touch with the organization and let them know. I also have never belonged....and won't. My wife does belong to AARP and I can say I don't agree with some of their ideas and i let them know. I have saved quite a bit of money when traveling by having their card

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 09-24-2007, 08:47 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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Both my son and I won one year subscriptions to the NAHC. We both sent them in last spring, still waiting. As I am in the age group that doesn't buy green bananas I hope they hurry.
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Old 09-25-2007, 06:24 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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I belonged for several years but dropped it as nothing different then news stand stuff.
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Old 10-08-2007, 03:24 PM
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i was a charter member also (paul burke was pres of it then, as i recall)

i was in it for several years and it seemed like all they did was solicit books or hunting equipment.

i used to enjoy their club magazine but i did not renew as they started sending me books i never ordered and i had a hell of a time resolving the matter.
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