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Old 02-18-2008, 07:38 AM
maineguy110 maineguy110 is offline
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would this law work

how about making a new law any one 21 or old with a a good record and no mental problems have to carry a gun. would it cause more shootings or slow crimes and shootings. what do you think
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:29 AM
sgj3030 sgj3030 is offline
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That depends on if they get training or if they think that they are "Armed and Dangerous".
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:47 AM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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"No mental problems" is a little misleading. There are both civilians and LEO that the brain increases by the weight of the ammo. In general, I think it would lead to a safer society. Fortunately, the above are a very small percent!JMO
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:16 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Well look at it this way

The first thing the antis would do is say it would be going back to the days of the "wild" west. The west really wasn't as wild as they would have you believe though. Those movies with the bad guys takin over a town are bull hockey. These town folk had moved west into indian country and had fought in the Mexican and Civil Wars. They all had guns and knew how to use them so nobody was atakin over their town. Other than the few people who believed in the code duello the west was a very tame place to live after the indian stuff was done. Everybody had a gun and were very civil to each otherThere were some bad times that went on here and there but even the big cattle wars were pretty tame compared to now days. In the 60 yrs from 1840-1900 there were probably 1000-1200 real gun fights. as such. Lots of shooting and stabbings and fisticuffs of course but they were general crime somewhat like today and mostly based on the wrong side of the railroad tracks. The only real way what you have suggested would work is if there was swift and sure real justice in cases of transgressions of the laws. Not the namby pamby well if you do this we might do this to you stuff that they shove down our throats today. You kill somebody and are in the wrong..hang 'em high inside of 90 days. As in the novel it said ...Crime and Punishment...No punishment. Pretty simple. But with the soccer moms and dads taking over the running of a seriously messed up country ...and world...It just ain't agonna happen! Sadly! Oh even though those selfsame soccer moms and dads would want you to believe is NOT a kinder gentler world under their control. It might even be a LOT worse than the "wild west"

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin

Last edited by skeet; 02-18-2008 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 02-18-2008, 01:58 PM
rattus58 rattus58 is offline
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How about a new law requiring ALL KIDS, MALE AND FEMALE to join the military for two years and allow them carry permits upon discharge. This way they get the training (you hope) and serve their country... something that they need to start doing in my estimation.

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Old 02-20-2008, 09:56 PM is offline
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Rattus, I thought the same about the military...but I must say leave the girls out of the mandatory thing. 2 yrs is a long time too but I think the basic and AIT would be enough to get things going in the right direction. One year would be enough. I also remember back in the day when I got drafted, there were guys that got left behind because they couldn't do anything like read and write. They were the ones that were left home to bread like rats while educated people were shipped off to Nam etc. I now see these left behind people working in the dish washing department of local restaurants as old men so why couldn't they have been drafted to be cooks, dishwashers etc?...Sure now days you have to have smarts to be in the military for one so you listen to orders and the tec equipment now days...but come on...there still is need for a cook/dishwasher. I know they farm it out to civilians now.....When I got drafted, my buddies that didn't ...(most had the wrong draft number) got to open their own shops, garages, stores (stole my tools) or got good jobs in mills etc..but when I got was slim pickens...managed to survive and had some good jobs but it was tough as that was the time the mills were shutting down etc etc.....I felt it not fair some went and some didn't...only because I seen a job there for everyone. Oh well...Glad I served....bless those that still do.....
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