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Old 08-26-2008, 12:37 PM
von pck von pck is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 6
“Game Day”

Trophy FisHunt World

“Game Day”

A prime consideration for serious big game, Trophy Whitetail/Mule Deer hunting starts within the cold forested/agriculturally rich Canadian grain fields of the western Alberta province; where both species mature slowly, feeding to develop huge body mass and sport regal thick/wide-massive pointed racks. Only in Mexico’s most northern state of Sonora, Big Game marksmen trek the cactus desert landscape to spot/scope their adversarial 30+ inch wide/massive Trophy Grand Slam Mule Deer.

Big game sportsmen compelled to complete their trophy- lifetime listed animals, eventually find themselves in South America, to experience the challenge of Argentina’s rare game animals as the Water Buffalo, Wild Boar, Puma and smaller racked Black Buck(Antelope), Axis and Fallow Deer. The king of all Big Game rack species found roaming southern Argentina is the Red (Deer) Stag requiring to spot/stalk with a long ranged shot for the very selective guided shooter prior to bringing down and scoring his prized branching tree-shaped rack of a quarry.

If it’s the phenomenal prevailing Red Stag of all times, then New Zealand’s, highland mountain is a “Required, Must Do Experience” - as the only final choice destination for the elite trophy hunter to accomplish scoring this towering, monarchial crowned-top racked Golden 400+ point-class magnificent animal. Raise your hunting skills level from whitetails back home, take on a new “Game Day” challenge just outside the U.S., and a phenomenal experience by selecting from amongst these other fantastic big game species awaiting you today. Don’t continue to put off the thought process of your Trophy big game- dream hunt and allow Sportventure’s Trophy FisHunt World the opportunity for a reality hunt- placing you front & center with your next Trophy Big Game hunting destination.

Phone: 708-481-6467
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