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Old 02-08-2009, 04:13 PM
Rancid Crabtree Rancid Crabtree is offline
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Super glue finish build along

After receiving lots of questions on how to do a super glue finish on a knife handle I decided to show the steps. This is not to say that this is the only and proper way to use super glue as a finish. It's just the way I do it. Super glue is used on tropical woods that have oils that prevent most finishes from drying, curing or hardening. It can be used on any wood.

First of all, This is for small projects since it is not really cost effective for large projects. At the same time, there are those that use a super glue finish on pool cues, pens, bowls, chess pieces and a host of other projects.

I went out and bought a 4 pack of .07 Oz. tubes for $1.99. I bought the regular and not the gel but have heard of people using the gel with good results.

Always read the warnings and understand the risks. I have chosen to ignore rule number four. I found rule number five a bit odd. I do want good results but I fail to see why it matters how me and the missus spend our free time or if we are good at it.

This glue is stinky but larger containers that are more expensive can be bought in a low odor version.

I used a scrap piece of Bubinga right off the saw. I did not sand it at all. I did this to show that super glue is gap filling and fills in the pores of the wood. I poured a small drop on the wood.

And spread it around with this brush. This is one of a set of ten brushes that I got from my parent on my birthday. I've had them for 44 years.

I just spread it out until the piece is covered and never stop moving. It stays liquid for a short while.

And then hardens with a little less gloss. You can see the rough saw lines on the wood. but after I build up of a few coats, it will smooth over the bumps. *** DO NOT blow on it to dry it faster.

After two coats, I use 400 grit sandpaper to smooth out the brush marks and then wipe it with a clean cloth to remove the white dust.

On the back side of the piece I applied the same number of coats except on the last one, I blew on it to dry it faster and you can see the results. The water vapor in your breath makes the glue cloudy or foggy and you cant un-do the damage. You will have to sand it all off and start over. The same goes for touching the wet glue with your finger. The moisture in your skin will also turn the glue white.

After a few coats, you also get a build up on the tip of your brush.

Nail polish remover (Acetone) will remove the hardened glue. I wet a paper towel and set my finger in it.

I will also use some of that same 400 grit to clean of any glue left behind. Now the brush is clean.

Once hardened, I use 400 grit and 0000 steel wool to smooth the finish.

Super glue leaves a hard, crystal clear and water proof protective coating of acrylic plastic on the wood.

It can be buffed to a high sheen.

Give it a try the next time you are working on a small wood project or if making fishing jig heads or turkey calls or pistol grips, etc. Work outside or in an area with good ventilation.
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Old 02-08-2009, 04:48 PM
Swift Swift is offline
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Good write up!
220 Swift still King
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Old 02-09-2009, 12:03 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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Interesting! Thanks, Rancid.
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Old 05-08-2009, 03:08 AM
neologist neologist is offline
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Thank you for that. Who wudda thought?
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Old 05-08-2009, 10:56 AM
blacktail blacktail is offline
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did the same thing on a couple of my latest pieces

works well
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Old 01-18-2010, 03:33 PM
cordell cordell is offline
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Excellent Post

Rancid Crabtree,
Let me begin by saying that your writing skills are exceptional. I have enjoyed all the posts that I have read so far, and truly enjoy seeing your knives as they progress. Please continue the tidbits of information, they are most welcome. Take care and God bless....cordell P.S. I didn't understand the need for #5 either...................... TC&GB..c
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