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Old 03-02-2009, 11:51 PM
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AR-10: What is a G-3 mag and other questions

Just ordered my AR-15 stripped lower today and I'm trying to buy a stripped AR-10 lower. Problem is, everywhere I go I read that there is a difference between Arma-Lite AR-10 lowers and other AR-10 lowers (e.g., DPMS, RRA, Olympic). What is the functional difference between the two types?

Then, I have read about some lowers that accept G-3 mags and others that do not. What is the significance of a G-3 mag, and which ones accept it and which ones do not? Do I really need G-3 mags?

PS - I am going the stripped lower route right now to keep my wife happy. I just spent $6,000+ to build a bicycle, and if I drop another $2,000+ on firearms she will kill me. She hates dipping into savings for purchases other than homes and cars, and I cannot really blame her. However, she gave me the green light on the lowers when she heard what their price was versus the entire gun, and I promised that I would build them up over time. I'll have the bike built for cycling season and at least one of these lowers by fall. Priorities I tell ya.
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Old 03-03-2009, 07:17 AM
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Fabs, go to and look thru the AR10 forum. You'll find many answers there.
I know you're not asking for this advice, you may want to consider selling that bicycle and getting a complete gun(s) while you still can. A bicycle will do nothing to defend your home, family, etc.
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:51 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Yeah Fabs

Priorities ya know..the bike you can alsways build..the gun?? only for a short time longer. Your priorities are out of kilter. I am laughing..but do not feel that it's a joke.

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Old 03-03-2009, 01:50 PM
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If I buy the lowers, what will prevent me from buying the rest of the parts for the AR's at a later date? I guess they could outlaw every single part to an AR, but don't you think every current AR owner would be pissed. Then again, maybe they will outlaw the mere possession of an AR, with no grandfather clause, so then I'll have actually have saved money because I'll have to turn in my AR's so I am not a criminal. I cannot risk losing my professional licenses and/or going to jail with a wife and 2 kids. The safe is full of plenty of other guns, including a mini-30, so I am not quite as worried about whether or not I have an AR. I'm just not quite as worried about losing AR's as most people are because I just don't think it is going to happen. Likewise, I'm not like the rest of these people that think everything is going to be fine in a year or two. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely opposed to an assault weapons ban, but if it happens even though I put plenty of effort toward defeating it, then it happens.

I am neither a pessimist nor an optimist. I don't look at the glass as being half full or half empty, but look at the status of the bottle and whether there are any more bottles after that. In essence, I am a big picture, long term, type of guy. There are other things to spend money on right now, like IRA's, 529 plans, and individual stocks and mutual funds outside of retirement accounts.

The bike frame and parts were paid for before September and the thereafter implosion of the economy, and I have just been waiting on getting the handle bars and saddle airbrushed to match the frame. Just like you guys do not understand the expenditure on the bike, neither do the bikes guys understand paying a couple thousand for a gun. Plus, with gas predicted to hit $5 a gallon this summer, imagine how much I can save by riding the bike places. LOL That will be enough to buy a couple AR's.
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:10 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Exclamation Fabs I just don't think you get it

Quoting Fabs.
I cannot risk losing my professional licenses and/or going to jail with a wife and 2 kids. The safe is full of plenty of other guns, including a mini-30, so I am not quite as worried about whether or not I have an AR. I'm just not quite as worried about losing AR's as most people are because I just don't think it is going to happen.

What makes you think you will keep the other guns in the safe? This administration and the democratic- controlled congress don't have to pass laws to take your guns. It can be done by Administrative means. These people are NOT socialists..they are Marxists. They don't want private industry..they surely do NOT want private ownership of firearms. As far as your licenses and possibly going to jail with a wife and 2 kids. What is more important...continuing the freedoms you enjoyed in the past or the life you may live in the future if a marxist government will allow you to. It surely won't be like the life we all enjoyed in the past if we all capitulate and just GIVE our rights away without a fight. Heck..if the founding fathers of this country had felt the way you just stated you feel...we'd still be under British rule.
Now as far as them not taking the ARs away. I hope you are right...but I fear you are putting your head in the sand. I really do hope you are right. Remember ...they just threw away 25% of the value of your money with that 800B$ Pork Bill. What is to stop even more ridiculous bull Hockey? Oh btw I hope you are also wrong about 5 dollar gas...Nobody will be able to afford it anyway. And to let ya could save as much gas with a 100 dollar bike....hehehehe. Just messing with ya on the bike thingie.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Last edited by skeet; 03-04-2009 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
What makes you think you will keep the other guns in the safe? This administration and the democratically controlled congress don't have to pass laws to take your guns.
Skeet, not sure if this is a typo but wanted to clarify.
I think you meant to type "democrat-controlled congress"?
Cause there is nothing democratic about the democrat party...

Fabs, I understand difficult decisions and its that way for all of us.
You know whats best for your family.

Do you see that light at the end of the tunnel?
Its the obama express with a full head of steam coming right at America...
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Old 03-05-2009, 04:42 PM
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Look, I definitely see your guys point, but what happens if you are wrong. What happens if they only ban assault weapons, I don't turn mine in, lost my livelihood, and that is as far as it actually goes? Then what? Do I get a do over?

On the flip side, the hard core liberals are telling me everything is going to be roses in a year or two, and I ask them what if they are wrong and everything hits the fan? What do I do then if I don't have guns, ammo, food, and water on hand? I also tell them not to plan on coming to my house for protection if they are not bearing gifts.

I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't want to take either extreme because I am not positive that either extreme will happen. Don't get me wrong, there is a chance, but I don't think it is the prevailing one in my mind.

With all that said, we are all entitled to our own viewpoint on what is going to happen to this nation. Ultimately, I'll make the decision about giving up my AR's if and when it happens. Otherwise, I'll just continue building them at my own pace. I guess I should have bought them outright to do my part in helping out this economy since nobody else but me seems to be spending money.
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Old 03-05-2009, 05:09 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Hey Fabs

I also see your point..ya have to hedge your bets.. During the revolutionary war they called people that did that Tories. I hedge my bets too. But one thing for certain...I will fight with my ARs before giving them up. I don't have any hard core liberals for friends.. I am sorry you do. They are anathema to the ideals of this least the way it used to be. That is why we are in this pickle now. The liberals have put us into the position we are in.. The War on Poverty. What a bunch of created more people under the poverty level and the only ones it hurt was the taxpayers. Socialism is no friend to the working man or woman. The only people it helps are the ones who choose not to work...Socialism also takes your rights and throw them out the the name of safety for everyone. I buy no guns at a store anymore..I have 4 guns right now that are registered to me...Oh yeah..they are registered..and so are yours.. Dealers have to keep records for 20 yrs. Think that they won't go to look at 'em?? Look at the Homeland Security organization. They are spying on Americans right now...and if we have more attacks like 9-11 guess what?? They can suspend your rights under the constitution. It seems to me that Obama is inviting that scenario. If it comes to that. I think that things are going to get worse than you think..much worse. I personally forsee an armed insurrection in this country.. Not dissing you Fabs...but if that happens..are you going to be fighting a government that is taking your rights illegally...or are you going to choose to be a subject?? It will be YOUR choice. On the other hand...I certainly hope you are right...but it don't look good for the good guys....and Obama and the Democrat party ain't any of the good guys. For that matter not many of the Republicans are either. Yep...I'm still Pi**ed

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 03-06-2009, 12:52 AM
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I think a lot of things need to be changed about politics and politicians. Campaign financing needs to be changed entirely. Each candidate gets the same exact amount of money for campaigning, and it will come from the US Treasury (i.e. taxpayers). This way, they don't owe a single damn person or any industry whatsoever when they get into office other than the American people. They don't have to ear mark squat to payback anybody that supported them during the election. Of course, you will always have industries go out on a limb to support one candidate or another, but I think those industries should be shunned by every American that is on the opposite side of the endorsement, and if all Americans had any brains we would all boycott that Union, industry, manufacturer, business, etc., and especially these moronic artists and stars on both sides of the aisle. We would let people make up their own damn minds based upon the issues, not what rock star or what celebrity they love the most. When the musicians, TV show hosts, bodybuilders, WWF Wrestlers, etc. run the country, you know we are up the creek. You think you are pissed Skeet, join the club and I am the CEO.

If it really hits the fan, I cannot say what I will do. My example is that we all like to think we will step in front of a bullet for a loved one, but until that loved one is standing beside us and the bullet is fired, how the hell do you have any clue what you would do. Until the cops are breaking down my door to get my guns, I have no idea what I will do.

Hell, I am thinking about running for President myself so that I can change the change that Obama is bringing about. Let's just pray that he does the right things, fixes things up, and we get back to the American way, which might not have been around during my lifetime.
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Old 03-06-2009, 04:29 PM
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I sold my AR-10T in April. I had an extra 260 Medisha built upper for it.

I believe the G-3 mags are for a military 308 of some description. There are also converted M-14 mags around. The importance is this; AR-10 mags are expensive with the 20 round versions going for $65 per copy. I sold ten 20 round magazines and six 10 round magazines for my AR, all AR magazines. At the Tulsa show in April you could buy AR-10T green guns for $1,400 to $1,600. Some say the green guns are the best. Armalite makes those that sport an Armalite or American Eagle stamp, said to be the very best. I sold my AR because the darn thing was heavy, real heavy for a walk around tactical gun.

But, a little advice not requested, the 260 in the AR-10T is a bad hombre. 120 gr Sierra HPBT MK at 3,200 fps and sub .25 inch groups at 100. The bullet is still super sonic at 1,000 yards. It is nothing but bad with a capital B.

I have a custom 700 long barrel in 260 with a Harris that I built for ah, Florida prairie dogs.

PS: I have already been the direct confrontation route in Florida in 1993 so I know what works and it ain't standing around wringing your hands. Look the politician in the eye and say; "I have a constructional right to bear arms and I will kill anyone that tries to take my guns away from me, I fully understand that I will die in the process, but I am prepared to die to defend my freedom." If you add; “When it all starts you die first.” It is like slapping them in the face with a wet cow pie, because the consequences of their acts just caught up to their little skippy, oh happy days, nothing can touch me, liberal’s butt. Get 50,000 people to stand on the state capitol steps and shout the words. The anti gun folks get educated real quick, so do the cops, who say, nope, we are not going to enforce the law if passed. I was there, and I saw what happened. Made the hair stand on the back of your neck.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:43 PM
ridurall ridurall is offline
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I own an Armalite AR-10T that I picked up just before Obama stole the election. I paid $1500 delivered with a 4x-14x 54 3rd Generation Springfield Scope. The Armalite is only going to shoot Armalite Magazines and they run from $45 for 20 round to $55 for 25 round if memory serves me correctly. I've got a lot of guns but the AR-10 is one of my favorites. It's a great longdistance shooter and with it I can bust a prairie dog sized rock if I've got a spotter to get me on to it. The Armalite National Match trigger is great and much better then my Bushmaster Varminter National Match trigger. So much so that I picked up a Jard 2 LB single stage trigger for it after getting the Armalite. My wife got me a Bohica 50 BMG upper for the Bushmaster and I put the old Bushmaster National Match trigger on my MP15. It had an even worse trigger. Good luck with what ever you decide but my vote is on the Armalite, you cannot go wrong with that.
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Old 01-28-2010, 06:19 PM
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Holy crap! Skeet got Fabs going then Fabs got Skeet going. Wasn't this about the difference with lowers and G-3 mags? Fabs take the $ from the AR's and bike and buy a 65 Mustang.
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Old 01-29-2010, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by muledeer View Post
Holy crap! Skeet got Fabs going then Fabs got Skeet going. Wasn't this about the difference with lowers and G-3 mags? Fabs take the $ from the AR's and bike and buy a 65 Mustang.
After we buy ourselves a single family home, which will hopefully be in the near future here, I will be looking for an early model Mustang. Probably a 67 fastback, but who knows. I saw a beautiful one on e-bay a couple years ago, but it went for $60,000+.
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Old 01-29-2010, 03:47 PM
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Cars etc too

I happened to see a really pretty 1957 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible on ebay. Always wanted one of 'em. It was one of only 630 of that model and it was fuel injected.. Suckers would run like a raped ape.. Last I looked it was up to 77 grand. Fabs if you buy a Mustang..get a 65 or 66 Fastback with the 289 High Performance..they ran almost as good as a Z-28. I paid for my Z racing them slow Mustangs..made 3 grand off a guy with a Boss 302 Mustang.. Lost a race one day to a Mopar with a 426 about 3 ft. Never could get into them Mopes

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