Stock fitter in N.E. Pa.
I have a Browning XT Trap gun that i need to have fitted so I can shoot this gun. Right now it does not fit me. I live between Stroudsburg and Leighton. Does anyone know. or have used a good stockfitter in this area ? Thanks in advance Les.
Stock fitting.
]I know one in SE Pa that can do it for you. I'll see if I can hunt up his phone info
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
stock fitter in n.e. pa.
Skeet might that shop or person be: Allem's Gun Craft in Zionsville,Pa.or Joe Goldberg from NJ. Howell gun club in NJ. I have communicated with both. Sounds like Allem's is a trip for me on Tuesday. If it is someone else please let me know. Thanks Les.