ABC 20/20 "legal murders"
Friday 4/10/09 10pm ET 20/20 argues recent murders in Birmingham NY and Pittsburgh PA were by legal gun owners and gunshows are to blame. Watch for information on future control and tax of your gun ownership.
20/20 is one of the more liberal, anti-gun venues. So, I am not surprised. The media in general tends to twist the facts (and take them out of context) to suite their own liberal, anti-American agendas.
MAYBE the INDIVIDUAL shooters were to blame? Many, if not all, mass killers had NO prior record so they could legally buy guns before they "Nutted Out." Now here is the dilema for the Liberals. HOW can they legislate ENOUGH Prior Restrainsts to PREVENT such tradgedies? The long an short of it is one cannot write any LAW long enough to Prevent ANY gun crime. The rest of America supports Subsequent Punishment-If you break the law, YOU Answer for the wrongdoing you did. What could be more fair? Adam
Adam Helmer |
From what I am seeing is that Washington is sitting back for the most part BUT the media is blowing this gun control through the roof with sensationalism everytime the trigger is pulled.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO "It is not the kill anymore it's the Quality of the hunt" |
Key word in journalism is 'if it bleeds, it reads'.....always been this.
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming.... WOW.....WHAT A RIDE....... |
What a bunch of garbage, why is it so hard for people to get that PEOPLE kill people, not guns.
Custom made hats and mittens from my fur or yours! If it can be made from fur, I can make it. Send me a fur and I make a hat or mittens for $60 Try it once! www.alaskaspiritcrafts.com |
I do not get what those weenies want. Just for argument, let's say all handguns are banned in the US. Then only thugs, gang-bangers and mobsters will have them. I am truly stunned that they fail to notice the HUGE rise in gun crime in the United Kingdom, and in Australia, AFTER the gun bans were put in to place.
The childish and wishful thinking of the naive. You take my guns away, I will hunt with a stick. You out law my stick, I will use a club, and so on. But I truly think those weenies need a wake up call, and a butt-whuppin’ I ran in to one of those “Hunting is murder” freaks last week in Oklahoma City. I heard her mention to her fellow tofu munchers, “I wish they would out law all guns forever.” That would make for one ineffective army if you ask me.
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney) |
.Time for Washington to pass a law to stop this. I recommend a law requiring anyone that is starting to stress out leave their firearms, knives, baseball bats, hockey sticks, golf clubs, automobiles, and other dangerous items (with a clause that the attorney may add other dangerous items to the list) with the local library until such feelings of stress have passed. This feeling of stress does not have to be adjudicated by a court; neither does the condition of non-stress. That should make everyone feel "good" for some time.
legal murders
You got that right, well said. I have heard this so many times before and yet guns are getting the blame. what about knifes etc? somebody has to pick it up and use it in the wrong way.
You got it right from the get go! Far too many Liberals want to blame the Condition rather than the Cause. Welcome to this site. Adam
Adam Helmer |
Kinda like blaming the keyboard or the pen/pencil for spelling and grammar errors!!
Custom made hats and mittens from my fur or yours! If it can be made from fur, I can make it. Send me a fur and I make a hat or mittens for $60 Try it once! www.alaskaspiritcrafts.com |