.225 Winchester
I need information on the .225 Winchester from some shooters who have actual experience with the caliber. I know it is slower than the 22-250 and has a semi-rim. I just think it should be an accurate little cartridge. I haven't had one and need to fill that need. I am thinking about rebarreling a Ruger No.3 with a 26 inch barrel which would let me know the "ultimate" potential of that caliber, even though the No.3 isn't as accurate as it would be in a bolt action. The No.3 is hellishly strong and will with stand everything I can throw at it until the primers start to disappear. I don't push for that pheonomenun, and it rarely happens to me, but it is nice to be prepared.
It doesn't bother me that it isn't as fast as the Swift, or Varminter, but beats the Hornet and .223. Those p-dogs never know how fast the bullet is going. Let me know what you know about this caliber and let it all hang out. |
had one years ago in a post M-70..varmint gun in fact. Ugly gun. Easy to load for..as accurate as a 22-250. Factory ammo was usually very accurate..At least in my rifle. I am not the most accurate rifle shooter in the world though. Not far behind the 22-250 in velocity...Not a swift by any means but not as hard to find a good shooting load..but I only owned one in 225..5 or 6 in the swift. better accuracy than a 224 Weatherby which is also a nice round. Check with me for info on brass. I know where there was some. I even have a few boxes of factory ammo. Just in case if you know what I mean.
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
I had one years ago in a cheap Savage. I shot a few woodchucks with it. Needed money and sold it. Last i heard the guy killed a lot of woodchucks and a few deer with it. My load for it was a 55gr. Sierra bullet over a max charge of IMR3031. Don't remember what brass or primers i used.
Goody |
I have a Savage model 340 in .225 Win. Mine is very accurate. Surprisingly I get consistently tighter groups with it than I did with my Rem. 700 ADL in 22-250. That was a surprise. Another surprise is that mine seems to like H-380 powder over IMR 4064 which most my loading manuals say is the best powder for the .225. If you get one, take care of your cases, as they are hard to come by around here.
Had one I bought back in the 60s kept it for around 10 years. It was one of the ugly Win. Md. 70s, but it was accurate as could be. I shot a number of deer with it on control work, shots were always head shots and it basically removed everything between the ears. Got it to be my snowshoe rifle for fox, but couldn't find a load that didn't make large holes in the hide.
Shouldn't be any problem with rim, as I rember it is a semi rimmed case. The model 3 was made in at least 3 rimmed cartridges as I remember, 45-70 had one kicked like a mule, 22 Hornet and 30-40 Krag. Also think it was made in .375 Winchester.
Skeet, I have to check my "brass bunker" to see how much brass for the .225 I have squirreled away. You wouldn't happen to have a set of reloading dies for that caliber?
Either RCBS or Redding? larryjk@tribcsp.com I am also reconsidering the Ruger No.3. I have a lot of bolt actions I transferred to myself years ago and may use one of those. |
I guess I'm like you. I have stuff squirreled away everywhere. The 225 really does shoot good in a bolt gun. I had even forgotten that they made it in the 340. Most 340's I've had were pretty good shooters..well let's say shooters..they are NOT pretty. Rather than the #3 I'd do a bolt gun. Easier to get to shoot good. I may have a set of dies. Gotta look in the boxes with the dies. I must have 200 sets total and can't remember which 225 dies. I did have a set of Redding..but may have sold 'em. I found a set of 7x61 S&H for a friend the other day. He bought a nice rifle in that caliber. They are 150 bucks new now days. Getting my vault set up the way I want it anyway.. But it may not be big enough...at least to put all the reloading stuff on the shelves. I'm building a powder magazine out back of the house..Using an old root cellar that was on the farm when we came here. Putting a roof on it very soon. Just got a bunch of railroad ties for that. Trying to remember my load without going looking for that book. Got it rwritten down in my note books. I may be wrong but think I used 4895
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
I have a switch barrel Martini Cadet in 357 Super Mag (Max) and 225 Win. They both work well. I did not write my 225 loads down but recall that I used the old accuracy load in the Lyman Manual for the start and it ran about .5 inches so I just stopped and used that load. As I recall, I got the dies from Lock Stock and Barrel, but they might be closed now. Their sites says store closed.
Graft & Sons has brass: http://www.grafs.com/metallic/648 And dies http://www.grafs.com/metallic/1913 Mid South also has dies Best, Ed
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions. "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" |