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Old 06-30-2010, 07:55 PM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Question Diver hunting question

When using decoys on a gang line (one line with multiple decoys on each line), how far apart do you space the rigs.
Not the decoys, mind you, but the actual lines themselves?
Thanks in advance...........
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Old 06-30-2010, 09:08 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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There are a couple of questions you have to answer first..What kind of divers?? Cans Redheads and Blackheads or Sea ducks.. But first off when you make your set I assume you will be in a layout rig..So remember to put the majority of the decoys on the side where you expect the birds to come from..100 hundred decoys will hardly be enough if you are serious.. so put the lines approx 20-30 ft apart with some crossing your line of vision to impart the look of many decoys and get the decoys right up to the boat especially a small layout. Sea ducks are a bird of a different can even flag them right into the you can blackheads and redheads..Cans..not so much...Oh and remember..that water is cold..have backups..and good communication with the main boat if at all possible.. If you are doing diver huntring from shore..or a booby blind use most of the decoys as singles with a coupleof lines of decoysa leading into the main rig..Seriously a hundred decoys will almost be enough.. My friends and I used as many as 450 on the Chesapeake...and what a job takin 'em up..set'n 'em is easy

An by the way..when we used that big rig..the birds really came to us..really!!

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Old 07-01-2010, 04:53 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Actually, I am hunting marsh.....although in the future I might someday try building my own layout boat.

I am trying to come up with an idea/contraption to quickly set my decoys, as I usually hunt by myself. I hunt a managed area, so we are not allowed to go out until after the draw in the morning (05:30)....when the time changes, that barely gives us an hour to get to our spot, set decoys, get under cover, ect, as shooting time is around 06:30 or so.

I started hunting with a diver rig last year, and it worked well....I think partially because I could just drift with the boat and the line would play out and I could hook the decoys on as the line played out, and the fact that everybody else on the managed area is using 3-5 dozen mallard decoys, with a few pintails, black duck, ect thrown in for flavor. The divers are something different, but natural for them to see, so they decoy readily to the spread.

100 decoys is a bit much for one guy I trying to put out about 4 dozen or so in a short amount of time.
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