Waterfowl trophies of Alaska
I'm meeting with one of the top waterfowl guides in Alaska over the next two days. He specializes in trophy bird hunts for all of the waterfowl in Alaska including the King & Pacific Eiders, Black, Surf and Whitewing Scoters, Harlequin, Old Squaws (long tails), Euro Wigeon, Aleutian GW Teal and more. By next week I will be putting trips together for clients of mine who have waited years to finally hunt waterfowl in AK. It's high on my bucket list as well. King Eiders are really unique birds and taking just one qualifies you for membership in the King Eider Club.
In the end...the hunter hunts himself Worldwide Hunting: www.grayghostsafaris.com Metal Detecting Equipment: www.dixie-metal-detectors.com |