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Old 03-06-2012, 09:42 AM
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Another One Bites The Dust

BALTIMORE – Maryland residents do not have to provide a "good and substantial reason" to legally own a handgun, a federal judge ruled Monday, striking down as unconstitutional the state's requirements for getting a permit.

U.S. District Judge Benson Everett Legg wrote that states are allowed some leeway in deciding the way residents exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms, but Maryland's objective was to limit the number of firearms that individuals could carry, effectively creating a rationing system that rewarded those who provided the right answer for wanting to own a gun.

"A citizen may not be required to offer a 'good and substantial reason' why he should be permitted to exercise his rights," Legg wrote. "The right's existence is all the reason he needs."

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The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

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Old 03-06-2012, 10:06 AM
dovehunter dovehunter is offline
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Maybe there are some good and truly impartial federal judges left out there after all. I really like his statement justifying his decision.
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Old 03-06-2012, 11:50 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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This one will be appealed and we will lose. Maryland police do not and will not allow guns to be carried in the State of Maryland..the Police Superintendant will make sure of that. They do not trust the people and the politicians in Md are all in agreement with the police. Been there..done that in Md. I went to classes that the police gave to recruits etc. Other than telling us we were better and more honest than the populace I got very little from the experience. Cops for the most part are no more honest or dishonest than the average citizen. And they do take care of their own..I know of one police officer who is out there writing tickets and is on a swat squad who has been bagged up twice..for DWI..not DUI. And he will write a ticket to a citizen for the same thing?? Oh their internal review board sent him to a rehab...twice..and it still hasn't worked. I know he still excess sometimes. Not that I haven't..but he is supposed to be an example of honesty. Part of the reason I now live in Wyoming.. we can carry a firearm here..without a permit..I for the most part choose not to.. but always have a firearm in the car. We live away from towns and people....for the most part.

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Old 03-06-2012, 02:53 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I agree with you about some cops having the "Us verses Them" mentality. After carrying a federal badge for 26 years, let me say "Only some criminals wear a police uniform!"

I love it when folks like Sarah Brady say, "Only the police and military should be allowed to carry guns." Under that scenario, many criminals will REMAIN ARMED! IMHO.

Adam Helmer
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Old 03-06-2012, 03:13 PM
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Of course outside the situation of problems with specific individuals as LEOs, those that shouldn't be carrying a badge at all, the real problem is that even the best of the best can not be there when the action starts, 99.999% of the time, unless their presence is just a fluke. The ability and means to protect yourself, when necessary, is the real issue.

This judge gets it. We need about 100,001 more like him.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
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Old 03-06-2012, 07:17 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Exclamation Bad Stuff comin

Originally Posted by Adam Helmer View Post

I agree with you about some cops having the "Us verses Them" mentality. After carrying a federal badge for 26 years, let me say "Only some criminals wear a police uniform!"

I kinda hate to say this but that attitude is exactly why when the police are told to confiscate firearms they will follow orders. Oh there will be some who say..ummm NO..but they will not be in the majority and then there is also the "I got to work or I'll lose my house car kids wife"..pick yer poison..Remember Nazi Germany..but if those guys didn't follow orders..they lost their life

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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Old 03-07-2012, 05:48 PM
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None of these recent rulings will matter if obama gets 4 more years, and packs the court. Kagan and sotomayor are bad enough, but he has more evil ones in mind.
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