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Old 11-13-2013, 07:55 AM is offline
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Home break-ins

We have had a rash of home break-ins this past summer. 26 from our 3 smaller communities local. 3 homes just over the hill from mine in as many days. All between 9am and 2pm. Local police, DA had meeting on it and to my surprise the DA said if someone breaks in your home while you are in it, don't hesitate to shoot them. Said no charges would be filed. Ha. He failed to mention it would cost you to start to prove justified shooting $50,000. He told about 70 of us at the meeting, we have the right to protect ourselves! Did he mention what I posted in the CC threads on here about the man shooting the guy that opened his car door, jumped in and was beating him with brass knuckles before he got shot? Self defense? Still waiting trial for murder 1 on that one. Anyhow, there are those that think home invasions can't happen to them such as my wife's cousin. Just last wk her and hubby (don't believe in owning firearms) were in bed. Middle night 2 people climbed on porch roof, into bathroom window and were even bold enough to walk into their bedroom while they were sleeping and took her box of jewelry among other items in the house. She did wake and yelled and run them off. Now it is a different story and say they wish they had a gun for protection. Funny how it took them that close to being killed in bed during home invasion to open their eyes as to why others are fighting for the right to own firearms. They even have ADT security but guess takes police so long to get there, crooks in and out before police get there. Also, NOT 1 word of it was in the paper, news or anything..... reason was keep hush because they don't want to cause a panic in the neighborhood.... dahh..?? Maybe protect the crooks one more time?
Few reasons for this post. Info from the Da about shooting to protect while nothing happen to you. Another was anti firearm people now want to get one since they see a need now and reason you own yours.
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Old 11-13-2013, 03:56 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I was not aware of the $50,000 fee to prove justifiable homicide of a home invader. I know of no such cases hereabouts in PA. IF it becomes common, I suggest the homeowner wrap the bad guy in a shower curtain, dump same outside town and go to Walmart for a new shower curtain. That is cheaper than $50K.

Adam Helmer
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Old 11-13-2013, 06:23 PM is offline
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The $50g is about what it will cost you for all the legal fees, etc etc prior to going to court. Seems the atnys drag it out and that is where lots of the $ goes. The $50g cost to start came from the exact DA that said at our little town meeting it is ok to shoot an invader and you won't be arrested. During another talk he was involved in a few months earlier was about some of the laws the police have to follow during their hrs on duty. However he failed to mention that little fact at our meeting on home invasions. He also is the very one that pressed charges on a man with a legal CC permit that went to an Obama rally in the town of Beaver at an outside park. It cost this very man to date $50g again even though he was found in the right to carry. He never took it out of holster. Never threatened anyone and how anyone knew he had it other than one of those wands to search someone never came to light. They let him off everything but charged him with 'risking the cause of a riot'.... ??? ok?? Now the NRA does have insurance to help get your money back if involved in a shooting while carry but you must be 'free' of all charges. They always stick you with something.
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Old 11-14-2013, 11:50 AM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I do not mean to drag this out, but in my county we have had a few justifiable homicides involving home invaders and in EVERY case the PA Castle Doctrine shielded all. IF your DA is pressing charges, you need to elect a NEW DA. Preferably one who has READ the PA Castle Doctrine law.

Adam Helmer
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Old 11-28-2013, 03:40 PM
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Rapier Rapier is offline
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The Florida law has gotten a lot of press lately, so no reason to hash it out again, but back when the CWP statutes were passed here, I went the extra mile to see to it that it / they got passed. Then we started getting all this whiny BS from the NY, NJ transplants in South FL. So it became necessary to do two things, make self defense, self defense, and stop the civil suits, that is the part of the law that really POs these lawyers for the perps, they can not sue if you must shoot them. It basically shut down the money mill these clowns were up to. You shoot, they sue and you must pay them because they tried to do you bodily harm.

Now the law works real well and the lawyers are trying every day to get the keys to the money box back into their pocket.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
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Old 12-11-2013, 07:19 AM is offline
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New keys to the money box is what it is all about.. Rapier hit the nail on the head.
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